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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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S15 Weave Discoloration

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Just received my S15s. Had to mail-order since my LHS doesn't carry them. At any rate, the skates have a few spots of discoloration in the weave as seen below:


Not a big deal at all. Does anyone else with S15s have this same issue?

My skates were laced up all the way, so I thought they may have been returns. Again, not a big deal unless somebody tried home baking them and screwed up. The discoloration seems to be below the outer shell, so I'm not convince they are burn marks or anything.

Expensive skates so I want to make sure there's nothing up before I get them sharpened.

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Somehow none of the LHS around here carried the S15. One shop did carry the S7. Plenty of Vapor XXXX, One90, and 9Ks, though. Go figure...

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No Easton in your part of Ohio? Who's your LHS? I'll send a Easton guy over to set up an account.

I was gonna say...central Ohio? I thought I saw The Hockey Stop having them listed on their site even..

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Nope. Hockey Stop doesn't carry S15. I do a ton of business with them, though. So I ordered them online. I'm not making this up! :lol:

Anyway, I'm RMA-ing the skates for exchange. My guess was that they were home baked. Also noticed that the screen in the sole wasn't glued down. Pulled the insole out to find glue all over the screen like somebody tried to super glue it back down. It looked totally different from the other skate and for $500, I want to break them myself! :blink:

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