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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Visor Mounting...

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I searched and got some information on spacers for Visors but was wondering what some peoples opinions were.

I mounted a HS22 on a large Intake. It took a little elbow grease but I got them on very securely. The visor was on but there was strain on the visor a bit and it was pulling out on the helmet... on the upside, that actually is nice because it makes it easier for me to grip the padding and pull it out when I pull the helmet on over my glasses.

The negative... it looks like it shouldn't look like it does...

If that makes sense.

Is it going to hurt the helmet or the visor to have it on there when there is a bit of strain on both pieces of equipment?


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Just think if the shield takes a hard hit, it's already being stressed... Better safe than sorry, it is your eyes afterall.

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You can get nylon washers from a hardware store. I never used spacers and one night a guy planted my face into the glass and the part that was screwed into the helmet completely cracked off from the strain.

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Spacers are the only way to go. Putting consistent bending pressure on a $60 piece of equipment isn't a good idea. Especially since its the only thing between flying vulcanized rubber and your vision.

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