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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hey guys

I just moved to a new team and was voted one of the team Captains. We're looking for a logo for our team.

After argueing over the name (we have puckbunnies and the pylons) we decided on the Free Agents seeing as we were all individuals and got thrown together.

Anyone have any ideas for a good logo?

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thats what i was thinking...a guy in a suit. although i think they should just call themselves the agents if they go the matrix route

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If only you guys were called the Pylons you could get away with a full orange jersey and socks.

I'm seriously going to look into this. I prefer neon orange though.

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If only you guys were called the Pylons you could get away with a full orange jersey and socks.

We're Flyers colours, hence the pylon attempt. Only problem, about 5 of us have played Tier 1 so we're not exactly pylons.

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We're Flyers colours, hence the pylon attempt. Only problem, about 5 of us have played Tier 1 so we're not exactly pylons.

how about "Tang"? :lol:

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