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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sore hand

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:) Sorry. I got your mixed up with the OP.

I still stand firm though on my thoughts on flex.

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It's me with the sore hand and not Tyler B.

I buy 100 flex's because it's what works when I put in a large extension. I can successfully load the stick, because anything under a 100 flex doesn't give me the same strength of shot as does the 100. I've been using 100 flex's since I was 13, mainly because I've been taller for my age, and it's just easier. (16 years old at 6'6") I used a 100 flex Synergy at age 14 and I've used 110 flex's all last year without any sore hand, at 15 years of age. So I don't see why this would all of a sudden be too much stick.

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It's me with the sore hand and not Tyler B.

I buy 100 flex's because it's what works when I put in a large extension. I can successfully load the stick, because anything under a 100 flex doesn't give me the same strength of shot as does the 100. I've been using 100 flex's since I was 13, mainly because I've been taller for my age, and it's just easier. (16 years old at 6'6") I used a 100 flex Synergy at age 14 and I've used 110 flex's all last year without any sore hand, at 15 years of age. So I don't see why this would all of a sudden be too much stick.

K, thats a difference situation. Because you are taller, you should have more leverage and can flex the shaft easier. It might just be wear and tear over the years. If it really bothers you, I would go see your doctor and see what he says.

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Due to the fact that other people have said they felt pain after being away for a long period of time, I'm going to give this at least another 5 ice times before I make anything serious out of it.

Now...are you having pain in your hand or in your elbow? If it is in the elbow...could be tendonitis or commonly referred to as tennis elbow. That happened to me with a 100 flex. I went to 85 and it went away, but can get sore from time to time with a lot of play.

If it is in the wrist or hand, it is something else. That got me to thinking :ph34r:

With such a stiff stick and the long wooden plug, I wonder if the vibration is working right up the stick and is being absorbed in the plug. This would mean that your top hand would feel most of the response of your shot. Is it the top hand by chance?

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No, the hand with the pain is the bottom hand.

I have a tacki-mac grip that I'm gona slap on there before the game on Thursday night, hopefully that will absorb some vibration, and I'm also going to try something in warm-ups, just to check my hand placement and see if I'm holding the stick too lightly.

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The heel pad of my hand (the area south of my thumb) gets sore and stays swolen if I have to take a lot of shots or force down on my stick a lot over a couple of games.

I tend to use the corner of the stick on my lower hand to increase downward pressure on the stick for control and leverage.

It hurts every now and again but I guess it's part of the game.

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