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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How many regular blood/registered bone marrow donors?

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I think the regime regulating this stuff varies between Canada, the States and the rest of the world. I just signed myself up cause a kid in an atom league I volunteer/coach in has been diagnosed with leukemia. THe local clubs are really pulling together, and I'm really seeing how tough the odds are to find a donor match.

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I'm goin on my 12th donation right...type A Negative. Supposed to have made that 12th donation in early september but just haven't been able to make it, gotta get that done.

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I'm lazy, and probably wouldn't donate often (if at all) if I had to put forth any effort to do it. Fortunately, where I work, we have a blood drive every three to four months. The Bloodmobile parks fifty feet from my desk, and I manage to haul my ass out there. I'll be in the gallon club soon. Plus, free cookies!

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A couple of years ago I join the bone marrow donor's list. A kid had leukemia and I figured I would join. I think everyone should. I mean what better a gift then possibly the gift of life.

I am still waiting for a call.

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well said

i feel good after i donate because i know that my blood can potentially save someone's life

i got o-type....yay for universal donor =)

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I give blood and my girlfriend tries to but she can't even fill up the bag. She'll lay there squeezing and squeezing for 45 minutes and can't manage to get a usable portion. Stinks...

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Most blood banks have the rule that if you've been tattooed in the past 6-12 months they don't want your blood.

This generally disqualifies me.

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