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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guitar Hero/ Rock Band

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The first time I ever had Rock Band in my hands...I played something on guitar and was awful...58% or something...then I played as the bass player. High 80's...had that up over 90% before the end of the night (drunk I might add...)

No one else I know likes playing Bass...I love it.

Sounds like playing an actual bass, as long as you avoid P-funk tunes.

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The first time I ever had Rock Band in my hands...I played something on guitar and was awful...58% or something...then I played as the bass player. High 80's...had that up over 90% before the end of the night (drunk I might add...)

No one else I know likes playing Bass...I love it.

I just started playing guitar 2 wks ago. I'm up to high 90s on M. Have to learn Hard with the additional note.

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The first time I ever had Rock Band in my hands...I played something on guitar and was awful...58% or something...then I played as the bass player. High 80's...had that up over 90% before the end of the night (drunk I might add...)

No one else I know likes playing Bass...I love it.

Sounds like playing an actual bass, as long as you avoid P-funk tunes.

It's basically counting to 4 *L*

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