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Virtual Workout CD's/dvd's

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I recently saw an ad for the new "VICTOR" workout CD. Apparently you put in your stats, and goals, and it will custom build a 12 week workout specifically geared towards the hockey player.

Smart/Hockey also put out a Conditioning CD awhile back, which seems very similar to the Victor one.

Anybody ever check either of these out? Just curious if they put together a nice program, or if you could just as easily follow a book, like Complete Conditioning for Ice Hockey.

So has anyone tried these??



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Check those out; there is enough free information about working out on the web that it would be a complete waste of money to buy a workout, unless you get a pro trainer that really knows what he is doing to train you. Have fun... and save your money for what it was really meant to be wasted on, women

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Nice link! Do you know what "tempo" means under the general strength acquisition section?

3 sets x 10-12 repetitions (*warm-up sets)

Rest 90-seconds between sets

Tempo = 3 – 0 – 2

Stretching must be done every day. Do NOT neglect this component

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Nice link! Do you know what "tempo" means under the general strength acquisition section?

Tempo = 3 – 0 – 2

3 counts lowering the weight, no pause at the bottom, and 2 counts to lift the weight. Thta doesn't mean that you should take 3 seconds to lower the weight and 2 to raise it, cuz that doesn't work teh energy systems used in hockey. When you lower the weight, take 50% more time than when you lift it. I do agree with Theo about Coplete Conditioning for Ice Hockey, great buy... It has a lot fo great theoretical framework for everything he has in there, so you know exactly why you are doing everything. If only my buddy hadn't ruined my copy of it and then been a flake about replacing it.

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If your going books, 15 bucks for Complete Conditioning for Ice Hockey is a must buy.

ABSOLUTELY. Touches on just about everything you need to get into good playing shape. The book really becomes my Bible during the summer (lets face it, Summer hockey just doesn't compare to the hockey played in the fall/winter/spring regular season and playoffs). If you are even remotely serious about hockey, this is a great asset to have for yourself.

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If your going books, 15 bucks for Complete Conditioning for Ice Hockey is a must buy.

is that the book by twist i think? that book just tells you what you need to do, doesn't give you specifics based on your body or sets. find a trainer

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The Smart hockey series is quality, yet seriously overpriced. IMO. I bought it a few years ago to see if it would help teach an old dog new tricks about conditioning and skills coaching. I learned some things, true, but there are better values for your dollar.

Twist's book is excellent, and a qualified trainer who works with hockey players is better, as has been mentioned. Most of the conditioning aspects of the Smart series are covered in Twist's book.

The only advantage the Smarthockey series has is the variety of skill drills, stretches, and that you can watch them being done. However, the guy in the videos skating is suspect and STARES at the puck/ball the whole time. Full on heads down hockey. Good information, though, a quality skills drill book would be cheaper. Good Luck.

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It took one week to arrive at my house.

So far my only complaint is that they never let me know that they received my order and when they were going to ship my order.

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Here is my first report:

On the kit:

I'd save money and buy the workout plan first. I'd then look into buying certain equipment to fit the exercises that the plan calls for.

I had a Swiss ball, Bowflex, and a stationary bike already. But, I went out and bought a 160 lbs weight set that had a barbell bar and two dumbbell bars, along with 160 lbs worht of weights for $80us.

On the plan:

I've had to tweak a couple of exercises because of a lack of equipment.

But, other than that, so far, so good. I'm used to pushing myself hard, but these two workouts killed me. And I loved it. Even though my legs are absolutely killing me.

I can't wait to see how things progress. I love the way the program is laid out (2 days on, 1 day off, 2 days on, 2 days off) and the way the exercises progress from day to day and week to week.

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