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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS Louisville shaft/blade

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I've found some tri-cores on some sites, but they don't have the same color scheme that I had. Did they change the colors?

*Edit* Nevermind I just found it. It was a Genesis.

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The performance on both shafts is superb, the ULs are absolute tanks, and I've yet to break any of my AK27s (which I've been using for a pretty long time, now). It's going to be easier for you to get your hands on them, too.

I'm using Sher-Wood 950 wood blades in my AK27s (with a plug cut level with the top of the shaft on the butt-end - balances things out a little and kills some vibration). Feel is terrific, and the weight of the wood blades is more than "tolerable." The only issue I have is the breakage of the woodies - I'm going through a LOT of blades.

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The performance on both shafts is superb, the ULs are absolute tanks, and I've yet to break any of my AK27s (which I've been using for a pretty long time, now). It's going to be easier for you to get your hands on them, too.

I'm using Sher-Wood 950 wood blades in my AK27s (with a plug cut level with the top of the shaft on the butt-end - balances things out a little and kills some vibration). Feel is terrific, and the weight of the wood blades is more than "tolerable." The only issue I have is the breakage of the woodies - I'm going through a LOT of blades.

Thanks a lot for the info. I can't even use my Genesis because it's a junior, already has a plug in it and doesn't even reach my chest! lol. You can fit any standard blade in the ak27, correct?

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Correct. I've heard of a lot of people having issues with variances in the Warrior's hosel sizes, but I'm under the impression that issue is relatively exclusive to their tapered shafts. I've had no problems getting blades into my AKs.

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Honestly, I have a Genesis shaft, and the feel is really good. It's performance is not the best, but, it's not that bad a shaft.

I can't see using over any of my other shafts/sticks, but I remember really liking the feel of this shaft. The other thing is you can use almost any wood blade and it doesn't feel unbalanced.

I still have it in my garage, mybe I'll throw a blade in it and use it on the pond this year.

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They're not in production anymore, but you can probably find some if you do a little digging. I see a few from time to time.

If you see an intermediate one, let me know. I have a friend who is looking for a replacement.

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