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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood Outsourcing Wood Sticks

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Sher-Wood to stop making wooden hockey sticks in Quebec as market splinters toward costlier gear

Lafleur, a member of hockey's Hall of Fame, derided one-piece composite models as "crap," adding "maybe your shot is harder, but what does an extra 20 miles an hour matter when the puck goes 50 feet wide of the net?"

Hockey stick maker outsources

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Sher-Wood to stop making wooden hockey sticks in Quebec as market splinters toward costlier gear

Lafleur, a member of hockey's Hall of Fame, derided one-piece composite models as "crap," adding "maybe your shot is harder, but what does an extra 20 miles an hour matter when the puck goes 50 feet wide of the net?"

Hockey stick maker outsources

they prolly said the same thing with curved sticks :D

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