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Shoulder pads for a tall fatty

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So, part 2 in what apparently is now a continuing series... :D

After trying on some RBK size 6 (XL/XXL) pads that weren't close to fitting (the shoulder caps wouldn't fit over the shoulder, my LHS recommended I order a set of Bauer Supreme 30s as he said they fit a bit wider. Having done so, got them a few days ago and they fit better but I'm still not convinced they're a great fit - while they're definitely an improvement over the RBKs, my shoulder is not centered in the "cup" (the cup sits above the shoulder). They just don't feel broad enough - they also look "lumpy" under the jersey. The "neck hole" is also pretty tight - tighter than the other XL I tried for sure. Probably not a big deal, but I noticed it being slightly constricting when I moved around.

Any recommendations on what to do? Unfortunately I don't think this is a dimension that will shrink as I lose weight so I'm not sure what to do. I'm 6'6", current weight around 315 (down a bit from last post already!) If it helps, I'm playing in an adult beginners league.. no-check, yes-slapshots.

Thank you for all your help!

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Just a quick self-reply; I've noticed that the Bauer Classics, Sher-wood 5030s, and other traditional-style pads come in a XXL - they're also laced in the center so they might be more adaptable for my broader shoulders.... however, I'd prefer a pad with a plastic (or whatever it is) shoulder cup over the simple leather covering as I do plan to fall down a lot :D

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Just a quick self-reply; I've noticed that the Bauer Classics, Sher-wood 5030s, and other traditional-style pads come in a XXL - they're also laced in the center so they might be more adaptable for my broader shoulders.... however, I'd prefer a pad with a plastic (or whatever it is) shoulder cup over the simple leather covering as I do plan to fall down a lot :D

Having larger shoulder caps sewn on some 5030s might be a solution.

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The 5030 will be extremely short. I've seen a player that was about 6'3 350ish and the pads left his entire belly uncovered.

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The 5030 will be extremely short. I've seen a player that was about 6'3 350ish and the pads left his entire belly uncovered.

1. His pants don't fit properly

2. Everyone has different body dimensions

3. That guy is freaking huge

That is true. I am 6' and 220. They barely cover my chest.

I'm 6-1 and 230ish and they come right to the bottom of my ribs. Then again, I wear my pants so the kidney pads actually cover my kidneys. The gap is minimal for me.

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I wear RBK 6k in the big jumbo size. 18.5" neck, 50" chest and they fit well across the shoulders. Having never worn shoulders before buying them, I thought they felt awkward and didn't fit. The guy at Perani's told me to lean the shoulder on the wall, then you can really feel where the cap it sitting, not just from a mirror. Where they look too high.

I was considering the classic style with lace-up chest, but I really wanted more protection.

They feel good, nice and snug on me. They're a bit short in the back, but the front has minimal gap even after I removed the extender. There might be something that fits better, but I'm just playing college rec games, I don't even wear them on most nights.

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Itech SP-50 in XL or XXL may be the answer.

Thanks, these look great. I think I'll exchange the Bauers for them in XXL (they're cheaper, too) and see how they look.

I wear RBK 6k in the big jumbo size. 18.5" neck, 50" chest and they fit well across the shoulders. Having never worn shoulders before buying them, I thought they felt awkward and didn't fit. The guy at Perani's told me to lean the shoulder on the wall, then you can really feel where the cap it sitting, not just from a mirror. Where they look too high.

That's a good tip, I'll have to try it. What is the "big jumbo size"? Size 6 or do they make bigger?

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