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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Three hemets

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so i have narrowed down my helmet choices to the following:

rbk 6k

mission intake

nike bauer 8500

comment if you know anything about these helmets or if you have tried them.

thanks :ph34r:

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I'd take the RBK or Mission helmet. And between those, I'd take the Intake.

Like Chad said, the RBK helmet is made pretty wide. I have more of a narrow head then a wide head so it just didn't feel right on me.

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I have been in the 8500 for about 6 months now and love the fit of the helmet. I am coming out of a CCM 1092 that fit well, but was a bit too wide for my head. I find that the 8500 fits better for someone with a narrower chrome dome...like myself.

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My advice is to try them all on if you haven't done so already. Like Chadd said, Rbk helmets tend to be wider than most others. I have had the Rbk 6k for one year now, and I love it. I find the epp foam padding to be very comfortable. Also, the helmet is light-weight, and it breathes very well.

Hope this helps.

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I tried them all on and found the following:

Rbk widest

Mission next widest

8500 narrowest.

good luck. Like every else has said, try them all, don't go by brand go by fit!

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I have both the 8500 and the Mission Intake. Love em both. The Intake has incredible air circulation and is a great fitting and light helmet. The 8500 is among the most comfortable I've ever worn, very protective and slightly heavier than the Intake. I would recommend either but everyone has different proportions so I can't speak for them. My advice is try each one on and the one that feels the best is the one to go with. Protection and quality is not an issue with all three of the helmets you mentioned.

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I have an Intake, and it is a far better helmet than I am a player!

Compared to my CCM HT500, it is a great helmet, light and cool.

I never tried the others, and I would encourage you to do so. The Intake fit my head shape well, so I went with it.

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I have an 8500 as well as an intake. I like both of the helmets, but i prefer the intake. It is much more comfortable, although it does not keep me cooler like they claim it should. I do like the occipital lock and the side adjustments on the 8500, though. They provide for a more custom fit. The rbk is way too wide for my head, so i couldn't tell you about it. Either the 8500 or the intake would be a good choice, though.

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I've owned an RBK 8K in Large and Medium, neither felt like they fit. Owned an 8500 for a while, Bauer being my prefered helmet, it was good, but the air circulation was poor and I've never sweat so much with a helmet before, it was impossible to keep my visor sweat free. Only had a chance to try on the Intake, but it felt great, and if the new NBH 9500 doesn't make me happy I'll be going to Mission. But I have a good feeling about the 9500.

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I've only worn the 8500 in games but have tried the Mission and liked it as well.....loads of guys wear RBK.....

That being said...if I had the money and needed a new helmet I'd go with the Mission.

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I had the 8000, then switched to the 8K.

I like the RBK a lot more. More comfortable, lighter, better air flow. I do have a wide head though...

The 8000 was still a great helmet, and you should absolutely go by fit, not brand or image.

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I tried them all on and found the following:

Rbk widest

Mission next widest

8500 narrowest.

good luck. Like every else has said, try them all, don't go by brand go by fit!

Anyone know if the new Intake Fusion is as wide as the RBK or is it the same as the old Intake?


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I am in somewhat the same boat as you. I am looking for a new helmet, and can't decide between the Vector, 8000, or 6k. I currently have an Intake, and it hasn't had good protection at all. I've had two concussions in it in one year. And I've heard that with EPP you're supposed to replace the helmet if you have gotten a concussion with it, so that is why I am looking for a new one. The breath ability is great on it though, best I've had coming from a 4500.

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I have a Nike Bauer 8500 helmet (haven't had a chance to try the other helmets) and it allows you to slightly adjust the width of the helmet using plastic sliders. That being said, I have my helmet on the widest setting and I still get an occasional headache.

I bought the Nike Bauer helmet because it claimed to prevent concussions and I play a bit recklessly sometimes (e.g. the one time where I dived headfirst into the boards trying to knock the puck away from the point). I have no idea if that's true, but I haven't had any head injuries.

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