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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just searching ebay.

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Even if they don't fit, i'm sure whoever needs to sell them on will be able to recoup what they paid before they officially retail to the public...... so long as the original price paid is not insane!

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only if they flip them quickly...it seems more of these skates are "escaping" (last I knew, Easton were trying to get all of these back for some reason) and I think I saw a post where someone said they got a few pairs in. I thought Easton were unveiling these and the Stealth at the WC in September?

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even if they are to small for your foot, u can make mucho money on these they are expeccted to come out in October. SOMe stores and most people would kill to have these skates in their possession. With the bid soo low, go for it.

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even if they are to small for your foot, u can make mucho money on these they are expeccted to come out in October. SOMe stores and most people would kill to have these skates in their possession. With the bid soo low, go for it.

There's 6 days left, so it will definately rise alot higher than $1.

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I thought Easton were unveiling these and the Stealth at the WC in September?

The Steath has been being used by a handful of pros for quite some time now. I believe I saw Leetch using them first sometime right after the All-Star Break. As for the SyNergy skates, I think I remember hearing alot about a couple of guys (I want to say Hecht, for some reason) trying them out a little after I first saw the Stealth.

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no doubt - I have heard that they will sell anywhere from mid 400's to 600+. These may go higher than that if someone is dying to wear something no-one else is using. Its a big gamble for the money tho.

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Those aren't retail. I forget who, but someone saw a pair of pro returns for sale two or three months ago.

and a big deal was made when Easton wanted to get them back.

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That was me (at least I saw Rolstons). Zwickers sold them all and the rep wanted them back....actually forced them to call the people who bought them to come back with the skates. The kid I spoke to was given the all silver easton skates (don't know the name), promised 2 stealths AND a pair of synergy skates when they come out in Sept.

plus he got his money back on the used synergy skates.

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He actually worked there so they didn't have to look to far. 2 pairs sold to employees immediately and one pair was to a regular customer. The deals they cut for the returns was much different. The kid I spoke to held out and got much more. The other guy got one stealth and new Synergy's in Sept. He didn't want the Easton skate (don;t know the name...all silver).

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