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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Question for the older crowd - Neely pattern.

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Going way back but if I remember correctly then the Neely was a wicked heel curve with a little if any loft. I don't think I've seen anything out there that mimics it.

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2 curves come to mind (if I remember correctly) that are similar.....either the P106, or the Lidstrom. The P106 isn't a deep enough curve, but has the barely open face of the Neely. And then the Lidstrom I think is about the same curve, but the face is much too open.

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I used the canadian Neely in junior. when i couldn't find the pattern any more i switched to the p106 linden with little trouble. from what i remember the curve was close to the 106 but with a more closed face like the easton mod/fors.

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