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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Yellow Synergy ST Short Hosel Blades fit in regular shafts?

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I was just wondering if the yellow short hosel St blades can fit in a regular shaft like a Ultralite. I saw someone with a setup like that in a game tonight but I always thought the shorter blades were meant for shafts like the Z-Bubble etc.

I noticed I couldn't find any of the red colored blades that Easton used to make with the same ST Synergy label.

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Easton decided it would be smart to make a shortened standard blade in replacement of regular standard blades. So yes, the yellow ST blades will fit a standard shaft, but you will need to add length via a plug to get your desired length.


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Easton decided it would be smart to make a shortened standard blade in replacement of regular standard blades. So yes, the yellow ST blades will fit a standard shaft, but you will need to add length via a plug to get your desired length.


Easton thought it was a smart idea for the short standard blade, yes it is a smart idea, but not for the tall guys, i know we can use the Z-Carb instead, or a different company that makes long standard shaft, but if i want something affordable (St composite blade) i need like a 12" plug to make a standard easton shaft long enough for me.

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