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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jiri Tlusty is vaguely apologetic

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Maybe he wanted as many as he could get, instead of just a few?

On a side note, there is now a Movie in the works which will star a former gay hockey player, and the Leafs have been kind enough to lend the film their logo and name to use.

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Maybe he wanted as many as he could get, instead of just a few?

On a side note, there is now a Movie in the works which will star a former gay hockey player, and the Leafs have been kind enough to lend the film their logo and name to use.

Actually, the movie opened today...TSN did a feature on it. They were actually very complimentary of the Leafs taking the bold step of lending their name/logo to a "gay" movie.

The League had to approve it as well.

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Maybe he wanted as many as he could get, instead of just a few?

On a side note, there is now a Movie in the works which will star a former gay hockey player, and the Leafs have been kind enough to lend the film their logo and name to use.

Wendel Clark?

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So McCabe isnt't he only Leaf to get publicly undressed?



and viking, i'm pretty sure playing in the OHL is enough to get a fair amount of ladies.

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**Wendel Clark?**

Funny, that rumour was always flying around Toronto...then a guy that I worked with did some business with the Leafs, so he used be able to go to practice fairly regularly. He comes into the office and says, "so much for that rumour about Clark, I just met his fiancee and holy crap is she hot"

Also, if anyone in Toronto, ever spent any time at a bar called the Madison Pub, they know that Wendle used to hustle the cuties in their several times per week.

PS his son is a pretty good player.

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