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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Breaking in Docs...

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Just got my new pair of Doc Marten's boots...the same kind I've been wearing since I was 13. My last pair was about 11 years old and needed to be replaced.

I forgot how painful it is to break these things in...my *skates* were easier. It is a lot like skates, though, these fit me and when they do break in they will fit perfect. Can anyone else sympathize?

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The only time I had trouble was on a pair of Crazy Horses and it was right in the area of the eyelets. When I'd step it felt like they were digging into my foot, but that went away after a grueling week.

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The only time I had trouble was on a pair of Crazy Horses and it was right in the area of the eyelets. When I'd step it felt like they were digging into my foot, but that went away after a grueling week.

Yep, that's where these get me, too. Takes about the same amount of time (a week) for the leather to like my foot.

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