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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best indoor wheel?

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It seams here in the UK Rink-Rat sales have slowed a little, is there a new wheel that's taken over the market? Or maybe the Rats have got a very good product that's out lasting other wheels.

I'm planning on restocking a new range of wheels and would love to here some feedback on UK pricing & top brands.

Many thanks for any feedback,

Shaun Lee Bishop.

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Labeda Fuzion's are pretty darn good. While still being a standard 608 hub, they have a bigger inner hub which makes them a bit lighter than standard wheels. Only cavait is that they cost $10US a pop.

If your looking for a wheel that will still perform great but aren't as expensive, Labeda Grippers are great alternative. I beleive they come in xs,s,m. which AFAIK translates to 76,78,83 durometers. good to have some 83's around for outdoor players.


corrected Fuzion's Manufacturer to Labeda

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Another vote for Labeda Grippers as one of the best ALL AROUND indoor wheels I've ever used. Other wheels may grip a little better but chunk, or may last longer but grip liess, but the Grippers seem to be totally consistent, not to mention very inexpensive.

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I have just never had the longevity in Labeda's that I have on others..notably Rink Rat and Revision..

Currently it appears that the Rats feel a bit better on the Sprung chassis...and I've been on the same set almost since I started using my Sprung's a couple seasons ago..

my favorite wheel of all time still has to be the Prime Chem 10 I think it was called...wasn't out long...JDC hooked me up with what was a great batch of wheels back when the game hadn't completely passed me by..

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My favorite is the Hyper Trinity. I agree the Rats last the longest, but the Hyper seems to perform better for me than all others. I also agree on the old school Grippers. They are still going strong and tough to beat for the price.

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Best wheels I have ever used are labeda grippers, i have had them longer than my Rink rat hornets, and the grippers are still going better than the rats

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I have to agree the Rink Rats are the best wheels I have ever used. I also liked the Trinitys, just not as much as the rink rats.


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I will say RR Hornets are best performing wheel but the few sets I have bought there was something wrong with the hubs and the wheel would wobble.On Sprungs the Hot shots perform better than Hornets due to the narrower profile. I am currently using Fuzzions and they perform great I only have about six hard skates on them so durability is still in question.I have had several wheels replaced by Rink Rat over the years who's customer service is second to none.

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Labeda Millenium Grippers, the orange ones, no purple for me. I bought some Dynasty Grippers once thinking that if they were better the the Milleniums they must be absolutly incredible, but they all blew out on me with about 8-10 hours of skating.

Can anyone offer a comparison of Grippers to Rink Rats on ATAC Style Sport Court?

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I would take a visit to your local leagues and see what most of the players are using. That way you have what the locals want, since i think it kinda varies from rink to rink

I use rink rats on sport court. Grippers on wood surfaces and polished concrete.

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for the price, the formula line from hyper is a good pick. i've used the original formulas, the formula g eras', and the zero g's; they've all been great wheels.

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I've had no problems with red Rink Rat Hot Shots on my Sprungs on Sport Court. I'm 165lbs playing on Sport Court, I just wish they'd last me a little longer.

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Being a bigger player (190+) I've had the best experience w/ the labeda fusions. The Rink Rats (hornets) I used before were also fine but seemed to chunk a good bit faster. The Rink Rat mb816's that came with my skates were horrible though :angry:

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