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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate tongue shifting too much

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My skate tongue wants to rotate outward with my natural stride. Usually not a problem since the movement is limited by the little room in the boot, but for whatever reason, the right one ends up in a position where the edge of the tongue is pressing on the outer tendon above my ankle bone.

Any of you resourceful folks have an idea how to fix it? I thought of sewing some elastic to the tongue to limit its travel, but still lets me get in and out of the skate.

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tie your skates tighter around the ankle

Do you mean tighter AT the eyelet closest to the ankle....? Wrapping laces around the boot will break down the skate faster. Fairly well discussed as a no-no.

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it sounds like your skate may be too wide for you foot. it may not feel that way but if your foot filled up the boot properly the tongue would not be able to move. what kind of skates are they?

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I have orthotics and I tie my skates pretty tight around the 3 top eyelets. The tongue turns a little, does taht mean somethings wrong? the tongue does stay put but, when i push off the tongue goes in that direction if you know what i mean. :ph34r:

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it sounds like your skate may be too wide for you foot. it may not feel that way but if your foot filled up the boot properly the tongue would not be able to move. what kind of skates are they?

They definitely are NOT too wide. Graf G3 Ultra. I have a thread on my skate trying and buying process. Is there even a narrower boot on the market?

Isn't tongue shifting a symptom of an alignment problem ?

Not sure if it's a "problem" per se, but my shin/calf alignment to my foot/heel is definitely different than most people. Most shin guards I try on, if I put the knee in the cap, sit a bit off to the side at the bottom.

Think of someone bow-legged, except in my case my leg is relatively straight but just takes off at that angle from the foot.

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first thought was that you're in too deep of a skate.

I believe there was actually a thread about this but I forget what the diagnosis ended up being.

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You wanna know the crappy way to fix this (assuming you've got the right skate finally, the thread which I have read and participated in)? You poke a hole through the tongue on the opposite side of slippage. Then, you simply put your lace through the hole, aligned with the eyelet.

Again, I'm assuming you've finally found some skates that fit etc. and offering a Tim Taylor solution. But, it works.

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Just to kind of add to this, I've been having a problem when I ref with my Onee90's and the tongue on my right skate. the tongue will fall right but up by my toe and it falls pretty deep too, i've tried alot and nothing seems to be prevailing, any suggestions? They fit fine by the way Jordan.

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first thought was that you're in too deep of a skate.

See above post...is there a skate shallower than a G3? :lol:

hence "first thought" ;)

Try to find the other thread, it was a few months ago. It might help shed some light on the issue for you.

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Are you bowlegged?

he said he wasnt quite bowlegged but had a weird ankle angle. i had a problem with tongue rolling in my 04 zair comp se's but i think it was down to the unsymetrical tongue, it never gave me any discomfort though.

i noticed you said u tied the top eyelets very tight but maybe u shud ensure a tight lacing all the way up your askate to ensure it is pressed against your foot(apologies if you do and simply extra tighten at the top) if that doesnt work maybe you could start folding ur tongues forward and then tape them as a bodge job

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Thanks for all the good suggestions. I'll be doing some experimenting in the next week or two. It happens on both skates, but only bad enough to bother me on my right.

Might be a foot pronation problem.

Yeah, I have flat feet that pronate, but I use Superfeet to control that a bit. I think the pronation contributes to the angle between heel and shin.

figA.jpg (not my feet, pic stolen from another thread)

You wanna know the crappy way to fix this (assuming you've got the right skate finally, the thread which I have read and participated in)? You poke a hole through the tongue on the opposite side of slippage. Then, you simply put your lace through the hole, aligned with the eyelet.

Again, I'm assuming you've finally found some skates that fit etc. and offering a Tim Taylor solution. But, it works.

I like it!

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It just occurred to me that maybe I should clarify the issue a bit, after thinking about how a too-deep boot could cause this.

The tongue is in good position all the way along the foot, except for the very top, maybe near the top 2-3 eyelets.

So, it's wrapping my foot very nicely, but it's a flexible tongue so it's turning out at the top, hence it's putting pressure on the ankle tendon.

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Adding to my own thread again. :P

For those interested, here are some ideas to keep the tongue where it belongs, stolen from some inline speedskaters: link

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this is a far-fetched idea but could wax vs. non wax laces make a difference in the tongue slipping? the extra grip of the lace may be enough to keep it in place. just throwing a cheap fix possibility out there.

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Solution to my tongue shifting issue.

It still moves, but at least it's limited. If this still doesn't work well enough, I'll have to re-stitch the side of the tongue further inward and cut some material out.


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