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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Epucks $0.99 Wheels

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epuck and hockeygiant seem to have the same stock and deals...bet they have the same distro center.

bummer no 78a or heavier wheels....

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epuck and hockeygiant seem to have the same stock and deals...bet they have the same distro center.

HG owns Epuck.

well that solves that. whats the point of having 2 different front ends that do the same thing?

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well that solves that. whats the point of having 2 different front ends that do the same thing?

Both have physical retail outlets, so they maintain the name and website since it costs less to link 2 websites than change signs on buildings. Kinda like how RBK owns CCM but you wouldn't know it from just looking, you'd have to look a bit deeper to see the similarities.

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Please exucse me, but this kind of deal brings out the cynic in me.

I for one am sorry to see Epuck a sell out. They developed a successful business in the old fashioned way i.e. by offering quality products and service at competitive prices.

In contrast HG has made a name for themselves in the Walmart way - moving bulk product without much service or under their own branded products (e.g. Gear) where they can maintain better profit margins and offer name brand gear at lower prices to get you into the store (virtual or actual).

I for one don't think we are any the better for it.

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yeah, ePuck was my favorite online store before the HG takeover. I didn't even know about this until I noticed that they started charging tax for me and that the shipment was coming from socal. And then, the usual symptoms of a HG order: incomplete order, doesn't answer to emails, the rest of my order didn't arrive until a month later.

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