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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2008 Synergy ST

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To be honest, you dont really need to see a pic of the stick...it's basically the S17 but on the bottom of the shaft where it says S17...it says Synergy. I find it really nice though. Will definitely get one when they come out. The ST's have been my go to sticks recently since I broke 2 SE's. Easton's new line is extremely sexy. Go to the Easton board to see a pic of it if you're curious. I usually wait until JR posts the catalogs on here but for some reason I was really intrigued by the new ST's...and I'm not disapointed at all!

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I would say that the graphics are more like the SC6 but as you stated says ST at the bottom and has the cool color strip on the blade for a little added touch. Not that you'll see it with tape around it.

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yeah it does look like the SC6 actually. I'm curious as to when these will go on sale though...so I can start putting some money aside :P

They did a very good job with this stick (that's if it performs like last year's ST's)

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Anyone knows if the intermediate version of the new ST longer or offer a different flex. I use int sticks and after tonight looking at my friend's brand new ST it was so short and flimsy

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