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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Is it possible to put sportscourt over an athletics track surface, and play on it, or will the surface be too "soft" ?

If it's too soft, what would be the best thing to put on top of the atheletics surface and under the sportscourt as an anti-cushion?

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Are you shooting for a cushioned rink or a harder rink? Thats what I didnt catch in your post.

Personally my biggest pet peeve thats hockey related is too much cusion under the sport court. Slow rinks are just horrible.

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I'm for what's best, and that should be to put something hard on top of the ahteletic track material, then sportscourt on top of that.

But money is king, so if we can't aford it I was just curious if it was an option to just put the sportscourt directly on top of the track material.

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In my opinion a harder surface is better. A soft surface does nothing but slow you and the puck down, its also harder to get a decent shot off if you ask me.

I dont know how well this would work, but you could go to menards and get plywood and lay that down under the sportcourt - but over the soft turf you've got.

You can get 3/4" thick MDF plywood for under $30 a sheet. The sheets are 49x97.

Unless someone can point out a problem with how that would work, I think it might be a good solution.

--The link to the plywood.


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the only problem i can see with the plywood could flex under the weight of players seeing that the soft layer might give some movement to the plywood. Other than that its a great idea. At least it would be a cheap replacement unlike an all new concrete slab

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Wouldn't an atheletics track typically be installed on a concrete surface?

Thinking the best and cheapest solution, would be if we can get permission to remove the track material.

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the only problem i can see with the plywood could flex under the weight of players seeing that the soft layer might give some movement to the plywood. Other than that its a great idea. At least it would be a cheap replacement unlike an all new concrete slab

Would studs help at all?

But studs on top of the track material and then plywood over the studs. That way the studs absorb most of the impact and weight from the players?

Just like 10 or so beams going across the rink long ways.

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Hard surface is the way to go. Track surface does not sound optimal. In Illinois there are limited decent in-line venues. St Charles has one of them. Their sport court surface is laid on top of an indoor soccer field and the rink is slow to skate. The puck does not glide and as a result the game is slower. Overall it works---They host successful NARCH and local tournaments and have solid recreational level participation. Still, the surface is noticeably less playable and this is recognized as being causally related to the soft underlying surface.

Hope this input helps.

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We're gonna tear off the atheletics surface.

If the concrete underneath it is smooth enough, we'll just play on that, but if the concrete isn't smooth I have a few questions:

The rink is 40x20m's, and unfortunantely price is king.

1) What would be the cheapest solution?

a- concrete slap

b- epoxy layer (ala deco streetice)

c- sportcourt surface

d- laminate (marock24: could you be more specific about the surface type, is it sports/gymhall flooring?)

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As far as i know, SportCourt certainly isnt cheap.

I'd make a real push for SportCourt, but i highly doubt its the cheapest solution. If not, i'd go with a polished concrete surface

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if sportcourt is too pricey and roll-on surface would be the next best thing, assuming the floor is level. The first order of business is making sure the floor is, otherwise no solution is going to be stellar. The roll-on surface is a poly-urethane "paint" that you literally roll-on. It's not a bad surface to play on, but noticably slower than any sort of tile floor.

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sdcoop: the surface is level, we're just not sure if the concrete is smooth or not underneath.

nummer55: thanks for the link, but at the price range we could almost get icecourt. I know a icehockey club that got icecourt for 40.000euro.

1800squaremeters(40.000)=22.2euros per square meter for icecourt

800squaremeters(15.000)= 18.75euro per square meter for stilmat

a 40x20m icecourt rink would cost 17.777,77euro based on those prices, probably a little more since your buying 800 insted of the usual 1800sqm's.

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sdcopp: the surface is level, we're just not sure if the concrete is smooth or not underneath.

gotcha, if you have to go roll-on then, an extra coating or two will smooth it out.

any tile surface that's decent will be better though, particularly new as roll-on tends to remove skin in a fall when it's fresh

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