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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Allison Clone?

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Ha now that its a new site I can ask this question again that no one answered on CB. Does anyone know what the old tps allison clone is on Easton. And if there isnt an exact clone, does anyone know the closest thing to it. Thanks in advance, Paul

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Thats what I thought. Thanks for the quick response. Another question, the modo sounds really good for stickhandling and slappers but is it really hard for a wristshot? As a defenseman I need to get the puck out and the hurry and was wondering if the modo would not let me do this.

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Because it's not a deep curve, you'll need to work on your wristers with it. Other than that, it's good for stickhandling (toe drags aside) because of the lower lie. Great for slappers, especially for a defensemen as it's easy to keep the puck low.

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So its a pretty big risk to get it on a synergy. Do you think I should pop a woodie in a shaft and test it out?

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So its a pretty big risk to get it on a synergy. Do you think I should pop a woodie in a shaft and test it out?

If your worried about the cost and risk of trying it on a synergy maybe you could check out the sell forum and look for a used one. I know Ponty had a Turgeon Pro (Modano clone) and it's worth a shot if your looking to try it out.

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Thanks for the pic, I think thats going to be the curve I get cause it looks pretty close to the Allison.

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