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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vector 10.0 Catapult & 8.0

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I am wondering if anyone knows where i can get a 10.0 catapult for a decent price and same with the 8.0. also does the 10.0 come in mid flex. Also i am wondering if anyone knows the equilavent flexes for CCM are the STIFF 45kp, Regular 40 KP, MID 35 KP and the Junoir 20 KP Thanks for any help oggy_3

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sorry cant help you with finding a 10.0 or 8.0 for good price but as for the flexes:

stiff = 100

regular = 85

mid = 75

i dont know what the 20kp equivalent is...probably 50 flex?

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see thats what i was thiking but it doesnt really make sense that a stiff is only a 100= 45 and a junoir is a 50=20 and a regular is 85= 40. Isnt a junoir twice as flexy as a senoir? I was using this stick, and didnt break it by shooting, someone fell on it. the last time i used a 75 flex was first year bantam and that was 4 years ago and i snapped that by shooting, im really confused with this.

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see thats what i was thiking but it doesnt really make sense that a stiff is only a 100= 45 and a junoir is a 50=20 and a regular is 85= 40. Isnt a junoir twice as flexy as a senoir? I was using this stick, and didnt break it by shooting, someone fell on it. the last time i used a 75 flex was first year bantam and that was 4 years ago and i snapped that by shooting, im really confused with this.

This is how you compare a ccm flex to an easton or bauer...

take the number of KP times it by two then add ten exemple:

45kp= 45x2+10=100 flex on an easton or bauer scale

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I have a RH recchi 8.0, regular flex 8.0 if you want... Don't know where youd find one for cheap besides used. 10.0 catapults, try to find some pro stocks.

The usual ebay and checking the larger retail stores is always a good idea too.

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I have a RH recchi 8.0, regular flex 8.0 if you want... Don't know where youd find one for cheap besides used. 10.0 catapults, try to find some pro stocks.

The usual ebay and checking the larger retail stores is always a good idea too.

Thanks but i shoot left and do you find your regular flex to be closer to 100 or 85?

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Mid is closer to 75, regular is 85.

I don't know maybe that's for upcoming sticks but the flex chart appears to be wrong. The sticks say what flex they are on them and they definitely feel whipper than 95.

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my mid is REALLLLY whippy...

and i got my Catapult for xactly 173.34...noot too bad for a great stick...i really recommend it.....

PM me if you have any questions

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