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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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PS3 Wireless

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Has anyone successfully set up their PS3 on wireless internet? I've been trying to set mine up, but for some reason it just won't connect. It's the 60GB version, so it does have wireless, but every time I try to connect, I get a DNS error. Does anyone know what to do to solve this, or where I can find all the data, such as IP adresses and primary and secondary DNS so I could perhaps input it all in manually? Can you find this out by checking on the internet properties on the computer that's hooked up to the internet/wireless router?

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Yeah mine hooked up no problem. It just searched for networks like a laptop, connected, and I never had a problem again.

What type of router do you have?

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hmmmm, well try turning off (and unplugging) the modem, router, everything. then boot it back up waiting about 30 seconds between each. That fixes mine about 98% of the time, as my interent company runs updates all the time and gives me this problem. You can look up the info, but usually if your internet service provider updates it can clear or alter the info. Also your router may not be compatible with the ps3, as i have seen a few that just wont connect to an xbox360. Is there a way you can try it hardwired? if so that would confirm that your ps3 can read your internet connection and you may be able to just ping the ip which usually helps. Thats what i usually do.

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I concur, try properly power cycling everything (modem, router, PS3). Read up online, you actually need to let the modem and router sit sometimes for like 15 minutes or longer. Sounds crazy but I swear to god I had a massive problem with wireless on one of my mom's laptops and after hours and hours trying to fix it the solution turned out to be I just wasn't keeping the modem unplugged long enough to properly reset it.

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