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9K to Vector V10.0

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I currently wear a RBK 9K pump sz 11D. Can I stay with the same length and width in the Vector 10. My LHS will not order more than one pair to try so I want to get it right the first time. I searched but could not find a definitive answer, so I hoped all you experts could help me out. Thanks

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RBKs and vectors aren't even close in fit. RBK is more narrow with less arch if I remember correctly. If the RBKs fit well then you will have problems with the vectors

Someone correct me if I'm wrong

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The RBK's aren't the best fit I've come to find out. Disregarding what type of foot you think I may or may not have, will D width Vector work for me based on D width 9K's width being fine? That being said, it sounds like I may need to move into an E width Vector. I'm not looking for total fitting instruction, just to compare the width alone on these 2 skates. Just looking for a little info my LHS wasn't able to give me. Thanks

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i stayed with a D going the opposite way from vectors to 9k's and i went up a size and a half, but that's probably because im 15 and still growing, vectors are way more comfortable than the 9k by the way

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Vectors are more narrow with a higher arch. RBKs fit more like the Supremes and Tacks(with a wider heel).

Are you referring to the old supreme line or the new badass supreme line?

He'd better not be referring to Dian Ross and company.

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The length between the two will be the same....but the fit will be completely different. Lower arch support in the RBK's, and with a wider forefoot and wider heel pocket. I made the opposite switch from the V8.0 to the 7K. For my foot type....it was a perfect switch.

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i just recently picked up a pair of V10's, coming from a 2006 CCM Pro Tack. I also tried on the RBK 9k for fit. Personally, I felt that the CCM E-width felt similar to the RBK D-width, so I'm pretty sure you'll be able to go to the V10 comfortably by going up in width. Obviously, the best bet would be to go to another LHS that actually has a V10 in a size 11E, and try it on from there. Of all the skates that I've molded to my foot for demo or fit purposes, I've found the V10 to be one of the most moldable, and the one skate that benefitted the most from being heated up. While I don't have experience with breaking in RBK 9k's myself, I have a friend who has skated in both the RBK and CCM, and has said that the V10 took a little while longer to break in that the 9k.

don't know if this helps, and i'm sure others would disagree with me, but i think you might just want to go from a D to an E width, and make any necessary adjustments for fit after molding.

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i just recently picked up a pair of V10's, coming from a 2006 CCM Pro Tack. I also tried on the RBK 9k for fit. Personally, I felt that the CCM E-width felt similar to the RBK D-width, so I'm pretty sure you'll be able to go to the V10 comfortably by going up in width. Obviously, the best bet would be to go to another LHS that actually has a V10 in a size 11E, and try it on from there. Of all the skates that I've molded to my foot for demo or fit purposes, I've found the V10 to be one of the most moldable, and the one skate that benefitted the most from being heated up. While I don't have experience with breaking in RBK 9k's myself, I have a friend who has skated in both the RBK and CCM, and has said that the V10 took a little while longer to break in that the 9k.

don't know if this helps, and i'm sure others would disagree with me, but i think you might just want to go from a D to an E width, and make any necessary adjustments for fit after molding.

Thanks for the reply, that helps me out quite a bit. My guy at the LHS did some research and basically told me the same thing. I'm still trying to find an 11E to try on before I have them order it, but if I don't I will feel comfortable getting the E width.

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perhaps i could get some advice as well. Im currently in 9ks and i want to get the 10.0 SE. I have a very narrow heel (as i have to pump up my skates so the heels dont stay in place). But my forefoot is slightly wider. Would the 10.0 SE have a fairly narrow heel compared to the 9k?

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hyprlte, from your description it seems that i have the same type of foot as you, yes the V10.0 will have a narrow heel if not more narrow than the 9k, i liked my V10.0's better than the 9k's i have now because they are more comfortable, so they should be fine for you

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The V10s do indeed have a bit of a narrower heel than the 9K. It took me two heat fits until i was able to break in the heel pocket to my liking, but once I got it dialed, they've been great.

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im looking to get a new pair sometime soon

im currently wearing graf g5's and there a little tight on me. i was wondering what skates would be best fit for me. i have narrow heels , narrow feet, but wide toes. i was thinking 9k pumps but ive heard they are for wider feet so i backed away. i like the normal vector 10.0 but was also thinking about supreme 70's or vapors.

any advice?

any reviews (bad reviews too) about any skates?

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I can tell you from personal experience about most of these skates:

Vapor XXXX - great skate. The toe box is roomier than the XXX, and narrow in the heel. Great skate if your foot is shaped like a reverse triangle. I wear a size 9D in the XXXX. This boot is a deep boot.

Vector 10(SE) - Either the 10 or the 10SE have the same last. Another great skate. The toe box is a little narrower than the XXXX and the heel is a little wider. I wear a 8.5D in the V10SE. This boot is a more shallow boot.

I find I can wear both the XXXX and the Vector 10(SE). The difference between the two will most likely be the toe box.

To go the next step, the 9K was WAY too wide in the heel. I literally felt my heel coming out of the skate, even after multiple bakings. I wore a 8.5D. FYI - I like my foot tight in the boot, so my toes were pushingup against the toe cap, and I still could not get my heel to lock into the boot. It is a great skate, but just made for a wide heel.

I can not speak to the G5, but I can speak to the 705...which I understand has a similar last. I had the same issue as the 9K...heel would not lock into place. I have a few friends that have the Supreme 70, and they all have a wide heel. The 70 fits like the traditional Supreme line, so they are made for a wider foot.

My opinion based on your description of your foot would be to try the XXXX and the Vector 10 (SE). These two boots have lasts for a narrow heel. Your only other option would be to go custom if you try another boot you like but the heel is too wide. For example if you like the toe box of the 9K, but the heel is too wide, speak to the LHS to order you a pair of 9Ks with a D/AA, which will give you a narrow heel. Any skate could really be customized for you...just find the one that feels the most comfortable, and just get a narrower heel. You have plenty of options.

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I can tell you from personal experience about most of these skates:

Vapor XXXX - great skate. The toe box is roomier than the XXX, and narrow in the heel. Great skate if your foot is shaped like a reverse triangle. I wear a size 9D in the XXXX. This boot is a deep boot.

Vector 10(SE) - Either the 10 or the 10SE have the same last. Another great skate. The toe box is a little narrower than the XXXX and the heel is a little wider. I wear a 8.5D in the V10SE. This boot is a more shallow boot.

I find I can wear both the XXXX and the Vector 10(SE). The difference between the two will most likely be the toe box.

To go the next step, the 9K was WAY too wide in the heel. I literally felt my heel coming out of the skate, even after multiple bakings. I wore a 8.5D. FYI - I like my foot tight in the boot, so my toes were pushingup against the toe cap, and I still could not get my heel to lock into the boot. It is a great skate, but just made for a wide heel.

I can not speak to the G5, but I can speak to the 705...which I understand has a similar last. I had the same issue as the 9K...heel would not lock into place. I have a few friends that have the Supreme 70, and they all have a wide heel. The 70 fits like the traditional Supreme line, so they are made for a wider foot.

My opinion based on your description of your foot would be to try the XXXX and the Vector 10 (SE). These two boots have lasts for a narrow heel. Your only other option would be to go custom if you try another boot you like but the heel is too wide. For example if you like the toe box of the 9K, but the heel is too wide, speak to the LHS to order you a pair of 9Ks with a D/AA, which will give you a narrow heel. Any skate could really be customized for you...just find the one that feels the most comfortable, and just get a narrower heel. You have plenty of options.

thanks a lot for the info... really helps me out.

I can tell you from personal experience about most of these skates:

Vapor XXXX - great skate. The toe box is roomier than the XXX, and narrow in the heel. Great skate if your foot is shaped like a reverse triangle. I wear a size 9D in the XXXX. This boot is a deep boot.

Vector 10(SE) - Either the 10 or the 10SE have the same last. Another great skate. The toe box is a little narrower than the XXXX and the heel is a little wider. I wear a 8.5D in the V10SE. This boot is a more shallow boot.

I find I can wear both the XXXX and the Vector 10(SE). The difference between the two will most likely be the toe box.

To go the next step, the 9K was WAY too wide in the heel. I literally felt my heel coming out of the skate, even after multiple bakings. I wore a 8.5D. FYI - I like my foot tight in the boot, so my toes were pushingup against the toe cap, and I still could not get my heel to lock into the boot. It is a great skate, but just made for a wide heel.

I can not speak to the G5, but I can speak to the 705...which I understand has a similar last. I had the same issue as the 9K...heel would not lock into place. I have a few friends that have the Supreme 70, and they all have a wide heel. The 70 fits like the traditional Supreme line, so they are made for a wider foot.

My opinion based on your description of your foot would be to try the XXXX and the Vector 10 (SE). These two boots have lasts for a narrow heel. Your only other option would be to go custom if you try another boot you like but the heel is too wide. For example if you like the toe box of the 9K, but the heel is too wide, speak to the LHS to order you a pair of 9Ks with a D/AA, which will give you a narrow heel. Any skate could really be customized for you...just find the one that feels the most comfortable, and just get a narrower heel. You have plenty of options.

thanks a lot for the info... really helps me out.

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