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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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PC- Typing not reacting...

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Hey guys,

Need a little help please...When I type normal speed, it is like the PC doesn't catch or react to all the keys I press. For example, wrds may ed up lokin lke this.

Keyboard is fine and I am pressing hard enough. What else would cause this? Seems to be in all typing medians- Word, here, email. Even typing this is taking a lot of effort. To make no mistake, I have to type slow as hell.


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if you have another keyboard lying around, try plugging in a new one if you haven't already. If it's a wireless keyboard, check your batteries. If it's not a hardware problem, I don't know what it would be.

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Shadddupppp. VaporX2

Anyways, Theo. As said above check your batteries/keyboard, etc. You can also edit your keyboard settings in the Control Panel. Go to "Printers and Other Hardware" and click "Keyboard". There you can fiddle around with the settings and hopefully fix your problem.

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My wireless keyboard acted like that right before it died...I tried 2 or 3 different sets of batteries (that I knew were good) nothing worked. Just bought a cheap wired KB instead...

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Sorry for not getting back to you guys. I have a laptop, btw.

There were actually updates available that I paid no mind to opening up every time I started up. Like I said, I ignored them and decided today to download them. Well, like magic I can now type fast again and the keypad mimics every letter or mistake I make. Foolishness on my part, although I thank you all for your thoughts! Can't believe something so minor would cause that though.

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