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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Severe Elbow Pain/Limited Mobility

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Hey guys,

I know I know before I get started, I'm going to the doctor Wednesday to find out for sure to get a check up but for about the past week and a half to two weeks I've had severe, sometimes almost unbearable elbow pain. The pain is above the elbow but runs through directly and feels like on/under the main big bone in the elbow. It almost feels like the ligament/tendon that runs with the tricep down through my elbow into my forearm. With the unbearable pain comes very limited mobility to some days where I don't even want to move it at all because it hurts so bad.

I haven't played any hockey in about 4 months and to my knowledge I have done nothing to where there has been any contact to cause injury. I don't think it would be tendinitis as I don't really do anything that would cause strain and inflammation so I was wondering if anyone might have a clue what this could be?

Any insight would be great, but again I'm going to the doctor Wednesday to get a check-up for sure but I was just wondering if anyone has ever had anything like this and what I could do to limit the intense pain until I see the doctor.

Thanks in advance and if what is wrong is not completely clear I'll try to explain as best as possible if there are any questions.

One last thing I wanted to add, the pain is concentrated to just the elbow, not in the upper arm, nor is there any in my forearm/wrist area.

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Does tennis/golf elbow just have the ability to appear or form on its own? Again like I've said, I haven't had any activities or played any sports to where I believe it would happen/occur.

I'm no expert but it's just weird that it all of a sudden started hurting like a complete son of a bitch without any strenuous activity to cause a flare up.

Thanks for the suggestion though.

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Yeah, sounds like tendonitis to me. It doesn't take much to cause a flare up.

I got it just breaking up ice on the driveway. Like Chk hrd said, ice it and see the doc.

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