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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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That subway scene was probably my favourite part of the movie. I'm surprised at how poorly this movie has done since opening weekend.

And as most assumed, they're apparently working on the sequel already.

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And as most assumed, they're apparently working on the sequel already.

Oh I'm aware.... I did my best to NOT read up on the movie itself, even avoided this thread.. and I was sitting behind a couple of dorks who ranted and raved about CGI for 20 minutes before the previews... then one of them blurts out "They're already signed on to do another Cloverfield!" ... I never wanted to strangle someone so bad.

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It has to be a prequel or a story from the same incident, but told by others. I don't think a straight-up sequel will work at all.

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I dont know if it has been said, but i guess a rumor for the sequel will be just a different perspective from the incident. I guess on the bridge you see him look at another guy across the bridge who is filming and looks back at him.

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