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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick Blade Rocker

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Ok - I did a search for an explanation of the rocker on the bottom of the stock blade, but came up empty. Can someone explain to me the

scientific reason for rocker on a stick blade ? I would think with a stick, the more blade on the ice the better. Obviously that's not the case

when I look at my Vapor XXX Lite ... the heel seems to sit higher off the ground than the toe. Is this so that players requiring a different lie

stick can also use the stick, i.e. lower lie, more heel on the ice ?

If the lie is predetermined for the stick, shouldn't the blade have the most contact with the ice at that lie ?

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Off the top of my head, a rockered blade will allow more of the blade to be in contact with the ice when the blade is in a closed position for shooting.

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If the heel is in the air you need a higher lie or longer stick.

The rocker is to help keep the blade on the ice. The lie is higher at the toe and lower at the heel, so when the puck is far away from you you have more heel on the ice than if the blade was a flat lie... The same when it is close to your feet... Some people like this, some don't, because obviously this means that you will NEVER have all of your blade on the ice(without closing the face against the ice).

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Off the top of my head, a rockered blade will allow more of the blade to be in contact with the ice when the blade is in a closed position for shooting.

I understand that concept for a wrist shot, but for slappers don't you hit the puck with the blade a little more upright leaving less blade on the ice ?

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Is this so that players requiring a different lie

stick can also use the stick...?

Basically, yes. It allows someone who would normally use a 5 lie stick to "get by" with a 5.5 lie blade that has a bigger rocker.

If the lie is predetermined for the stick, shouldn't the blade have the most contact with the ice at that lie ?

My belief is that the "natural lie" (trademark pending) of the blade is the angle measured down the middle of the shaft and the middle of the face of the blade. When measuring, you would have the middle of the blade on the ice and the heel and toe roughly equal in elevation. I believe that's the best way to measure the lie on a blade. Warrior seems to measure the lie with only the middle to heel portion of the blade on the ice, resulting in them not matching the rest of the industry.

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The reason for a rockered blade is that it would be impossible to produce mass market blades in many curves and flexes that produce a straight lie that hits the ice flat. There is one company that I know of, however, where you can buy a semi custom lie stick with no rocker. I had one once and went away from it biut it's an interesting product. You buy a "lie detector" and then purchase the blade for your shaft. Here is the link http://www.bbsticks.com/

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Is this so that players requiring a different lie

stick can also use the stick...?

Basically, yes. It allows someone who would normally use a 5 lie stick to "get by" with a 5.5 lie blade that has a bigger rocker.

If the lie is predetermined for the stick, shouldn't the blade have the most contact with the ice at that lie ?

My belief is that the "natural lie" (trademark pending) of the blade is the angle measured down the middle of the shaft and the middle of the face of the blade. When measuring, you would have the middle of the blade on the ice and the heel and toe roughly equal in elevation. I believe that's the best way to measure the lie on a blade. Warrior seems to measure the lie with only the middle to heel portion of the blade on the ice, resulting in them not matching the rest of the industry.

So there probably is not an industry standard for stick rocker measurement ? Going to the LHS and looking at the rocker is probably the best, but does anyone actually measure stick rocker like they do for skates ?

I would think a defenseman who takes more slappers would use less rocker than a forward who would tend to the wrist shot.

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There is no industry standard. It is measured by lie and yes, you need to check it out and get a feel for it. It took me quite some time. Look at the wear on the tape of your stick to figure out where you are hitting the ice. If it is all on the heel you need a more upright lie, if it;s all on the toe you need a more open lie. s you play the game more and skate better you will also bend you knees more and this will impact your lie as well. I haven't it matters between defensmen and forwards.

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Is this so that players requiring a different lie

stick can also use the stick...?

Basically, yes. It allows someone who would normally use a 5 lie stick to "get by" with a 5.5 lie blade that has a bigger rocker.

If the lie is predetermined for the stick, shouldn't the blade have the most contact with the ice at that lie ?

My belief is that the "natural lie" (trademark pending) of the blade is the angle measured down the middle of the shaft and the middle of the face of the blade. When measuring, you would have the middle of the blade on the ice and the heel and toe roughly equal in elevation. I believe that's the best way to measure the lie on a blade. Warrior seems to measure the lie with only the middle to heel portion of the blade on the ice, resulting in them not matching the rest of the industry.

So there probably is not an industry standard for stick rocker measurement ? Going to the LHS and looking at the rocker is probably the best, but does anyone actually measure stick rocker like they do for skates ?

I would think a defenseman who takes more slappers would use less rocker than a forward who would tend to the wrist shot.

No there is no industry standard type of measurement. I prefer a mostly flat bottom blade, just a little gentle rounding at the toe and heel.

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I hate to bring up a four year old topic, but after sifting through three pages of search results this was the closest topic I could find to what I'm looking for.

Is the Getzlaf pretty much the only retail curve left with an open face that has a rather flat bottom? That's what I mostly use now, but I'm wanting something with a bit more round toe. (I'd also like to try something with more of a mid curve, just for a change. Sakic just has too much rocker for my taste.) I'm half tempted to take my wooden Getzlaf's over to the bench grinder to round the toe over a bit or attempt to flatten the rocker on a Sakic a bit. But, if there is a retail curve I'm missing I'd rather try one before experimenting on my own.


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