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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Recommend me some pants

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Hey. Planning on stopping by HockeyMonkey and Hockeygiant tomorow to look for a new pair of pants. Currently wearing a pair of Easton S1's in a junior medium. I tried my friends senior medium pants, and thus believe I may be able to fit a senior small. What do you all recommend me to look at? I want to be as protected as possible so I dont think ill really mind bulky pants. I know the S1 was really mobile and wasnt bulky one bit, but I think i can sacrifice the weight and size for protection as Ive been known to block shots and go down a bit. Also would like a pair of pants that have a pretty high back protector. So far been eyeing the CCM 892s, RBK 6k,8k, or maybe 9k if theyre cheaper in the store. Also looked online at the Easton S9 and NBH one90s. Any help is appreciated thanks.

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If you look around you can still find the L-5's. Had a pair and shouldn't have let them go. One of the best for ventilation I ever tried on. Mission made a winner with the L series.

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I picked up the Bauer Supreme One90 pants after inujuring my back against the end boards. I love them. Durable, great fit, great flexibility and awesome protection. Sort of like a light weight suit if armor!!!

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  duch said:

If you look around you can still find the L-5's. Had a pair and shouldn't have let them go. One of the best for ventilation I ever tried on. Mission made a winner with the L series.

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has anyone looked at the Fuel Series? they have been out a year and have improved a fair deal. Bauer and CCM are not the only ones making good pants anymore. i dont mean to step out of bounds here, but the Fuel 120 Pants deserve a look.

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