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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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inno dealers

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i know theres been a shortage of inno products out now since they might not be going retail anymore, but my moms heading up to calgary and red deer in alberta, and i was wondering if anyone knows any stores in that area that carries innovative sticks

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I e-mailed Innovative last summer and asked them the same question (I live in BC), and they mentioned that the Hockey Stop in Red Deer sold Innovative. I hope that helps.

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speaking of inno in alberta, anybody know where I can find innovative in the Edmonton area?

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I would like to know if anyone carries Innovative in Calgary as well. I have yet to hear of an Innovative Dealer here in town.

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The Red Deer Shop is Sports World and as far as I know they do not sell Innovative. I've been looking in every hockey shop I can in Alberta and haven't seen any good Inno. There is a used store in Edmonton (Totem) that sell Edmonton Oiler used gear, as far as I remember they had a couple used Inno shafts but I bet they are all gone.

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