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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pitch Holders

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I am looking to try a new holder on my pair of Vapor XX's and I was looking at the Pitch holders. I am just wondering if any of you that have tried them what are your opinions of them and is the pitch technology that good? Thanks for all the opinions and input from all of you that have used them.


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You guys were both Custom + guys through and through before the pitch weren't you?

That's what I've been using for 4 years now with the exception of my brief foray into Grafs.

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Just wondering, has anyone seen them for under 89.99, if you have could you pm me and tell me where you saw them, and or if you have found sites that has them at all. Thanks, its greatly appreciated

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Thumbs up for PITCH, relatively easy to adjust (watch out though, the bolts are kinda easy to strip) and a good idea if you want to experiment with your skating position. I didnt feel much of a difference in the +1 postion coming from CCM Tacks.

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Another thumbs up for the PITCH. As a holder, they felt stiffer than the TUUKS, which I really liked. The increments on the PITCH weren't for me (1" at a go), so I'm just skating on neutral, but the holder itself is great.

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Surpringsly...I like mine as well.

Bucked up for the staff deal on the S500 (a can't miss price) and experimenting with +1 and N right now...

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