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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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G.I. Joe

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The man's a little obsessed with that number now. In a lame movie pick from the wife, we saw Catch and Release and he's in it, wearing a 37 baseball jersey and I think something else with 37.

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  mack said:

The man's a little obsessed with that number now. In a lame movie pick from the wife, we saw Catch and Release and he's in it, wearing a 37 baseball jersey and I think something else with 37.

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Yeah....I have never been a big fan of carrying on a great thing. It was a fantastic movie, with a lot of great quotes that I still use to this day. But lets not drag it out for a decade and hope the joke is still fresh.

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If this movie doesn't take itself serious, like Transformers did, it won't suck like Transformers did. If this ends up campy it'll be pretty damn good.

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I thought I heard there would be no Dreadnoks, Zartan or not, so I really hope that's the case. They were a bit much and I think Zartan's better as a standalone villain rather than be associated with them. So far though that's only three confirmed Cobra guys but I assume Destro will be in it. Then there will be a shit-ton of guys in blue with bandanas over their face.

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  mack said:

I thought I heard there would be no Dreadnoks, Zartan or not, so I really hope that's the case. They were a bit much and I think Zartan's better as a standalone villain rather than be associated with them. So far though that's only three confirmed Cobra guys but I assume Destro will be in it. Then there will be a shit-ton of guys in blue with bandanas over their face.

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As long as Cobra-La isn't in it...we're safe.

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The Rock as Shipwreak... I dunno about that one!

All I am saying is they better have Snow Job yelling at kids on his lawn.

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I've seen pictures of the main stars in their uniforms and...guh. Storm Shadow looks like crap and the Joes are going with the X-Men look of skin-tight black unis.

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  mack said:

I've seen pictures of the main stars in their uniforms and...guh. Storm Shadow looks like crap and the Joes are going with the X-Men look of skin-tight black unis.

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Where was that link from again...I can't find it now? Storm Shadow in the long white coat, right?

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I'll try and dig them up but was going to post a few and got an "exceeded...." something message. Storm Shadow looked like an Asian club gangster of some sort. The only characters that looked spot-on were Baroness, Snake-Eyes and Scarlett and that's only because of her hotness and red hair.

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Those are most that I saw and the unis are just...guh. On sight alone the only characters they got right are Snake-Eyes, Baroness and Scarlett.

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Yeah those are great tails storm shadow is sporting. Maybe that's his formal ninja get up for cocktail parties.

like you said earlier mack, they are gong to take this too seriously for it to be good.

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Yeah but early shots I'd seen of Transformers made me laugh but it did end up being decent, so I have hope. Plus Gordon-Levitt is a solid actor and though I'm skeptical about that young of a Cobra Commander, he could do well.

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From pictures the costumes looks like it could could make for a really cheesy movie. Although I'd have to agree with you on the Transformers pics. When I saw the hot rod decals on optimus that they defaced him.

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