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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Curtis Joseph

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Just heard on the news that it's Calgary for Cujo. He was also considering the Sharks.

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I just read this on TSN. Probably a move to push Kipper so he picks his game up. Someone to challenge him for the #1 spot. I'm not saying Joseph will take the #1 spot, but I do think they picked'm up just so Kipper will think that.

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I just read this on TSN. Probably a move to push Kipper so he picks his game up. Someone to challenge him for the #1 spot. I'm not saying Joseph will take the #1 spot, but I do think they picked'm up just so Kipper will think that.

Kipper has started 44 out of 45 games, this is a move to give them a backup that Keenan has confidence in.

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I just read this on TSN. Probably a move to push Kipper so he picks his game up. Someone to challenge him for the #1 spot. I'm not saying Joseph will take the #1 spot, but I do think they picked'm up just so Kipper will think that.

Kipper has started 44 out of 45 games, this is a move to give them a backup that Keenan has confidence in.

But all I've been hearing out of Calgary lately is how they've been disappointed in Kipper's play this season. It's not like he's playing horrible, but he hasn't been playing like an All star goalie like he has been in the past years.

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