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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Returning skates

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I have recently purchased Vapor XXXX in 4.5 EE. I told the store that they were snug around the sides of the toes and they said they could fix it. Also they feel too short. I am an adult wearing junior skates and have been in the store over 10 times trying to get these suckers to fit properly. Is it appropriate to ask for a refund or an exchange?

Also, am I forever screwed as an adult wearing junior?

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I feel your pain, short/wide/thick circus feet for me.Once LHS said I needed a pair of size 5 CCM Tacks the store swore was the right size, went back numerous times to get help with excrutiating pain. Gave up on the shop used a scalpel to open up the sides in forefoot area and pulled out the non-memory foam, pain never went completely away. I had them forever yet they never did fit right, there is a point where breaking in just won't help fit anymore. The problem with short/fat/thick is that as skates or shoes get smaller they get narrower and shallower. Right now I have a pair of Graf G9s widest, deepest non-custom boot available in an adult 6 still having fit issues.

I'm skeptical you'll get a refund. My recommendation find one of those old school shoe shops with some little old dude and explain your problems. If him and his equipment can't help you no one can.

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If you expressed concern over the fit of skates and they sold them to you anyway, and said they could fix the fit, I'd ask for a refund. You gave them money in exchange for a pair of skates that fit, and they took your money under the premise that they would make the skates fit. At the very least they should give you a store credit or exchange the skates.

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