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Revision Variant Wheels ?

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Can anyone give any feedback on how these wheels perform? I get a nice discount on them for playing in NCRHA and strongly considering ordering a set. I love how my RR hot shots perform, but the 76s start cracking literally after two skates, 78s arent grippy enough.

"Expect the Variant wheels to feel different the first time you put them on. But don't be afraid...because different is good!" - This is posted on Inlinewarehouse.com - What is meant by this?

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"Expect the Variant wheels to feel different the first time you put them on. But don't be afraid...because different is good!" - This is posted on Inlinewarehouse.com - What is meant by this?

The grip is a quite a bit different. The wheel has a strange feel to it that you cant really describe.

They're definitely worth a try, especially at NCRHA prices.

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I have used them successfully in the past, really liked them on a hi-lo setup, and it along with RR outlasted any other wheel on the market for longevity

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"Expect the Variant wheels to feel different the first time you put them on. But don't be afraid...because different is good!" - This is posted on Inlinewarehouse.com - What is meant by this?

The grip is a quite a bit different. The wheel has a strange feel to it that you cant really describe.

They're definitely worth a try, especially at NCRHA prices.

different in what way? longer stopping distance? do you need to adjust how you stop for the wheels?

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I have been skating on these since we started carrying them. To me they are the best wheel out there by far. I think the people that say rink rats are the best, havent actually tried revisions out. They have the best grip, and the best rebound of any wheel i have ever skated on. And the last a long time, which for me is a huge thing. Im 225 lbs, and i skate on either the golds, or the bronze. Im finding that the golds are lasting as long as the bronze, which is great.

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I had some, they fell apart within the first 3 weeks of use. Really dissapointing considering the Hot Shots I have from 4 years ago are still going strong.

I discussed a replacement set with the rep who was on this board for a little while. He took my details and promised a new set in the mail. It never arrived, hence why I just bought a full set of 76mm Hot Shots so I can go big and flat on my Sprungs.

My advice is stick with the Rats, they muck up every now and then but their customer service is tops. Even here in a hockey wilderness they make sure the response is correct and quick!

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I have been skating on these since we started carrying them. To me they are the best wheel out there by far. I think the people that say rink rats are the best, havent actually tried revisions out. They have the best grip, and the best rebound of any wheel i have ever skated on. And the last a long time, which for me is a huge thing. Im 225 lbs, and i skate on either the golds, or the bronze. Im finding that the golds are lasting as long as the bronze, which is great.

What hardness would you recommend to me? I am 5'10, 180lbs...I tear up the 76a hot shots like no other but slide like crazy on 78. I was thinking all Gold

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I had some, they fell apart within the first 3 weeks of use. Really dissapointing considering the Hot Shots I have from 4 years ago are still going strong.

I discussed a replacement set with the rep who was on this board for a little while. He took my details and promised a new set in the mail. It never arrived, hence why I just bought a full set of 76mm Hot Shots so I can go big and flat on my Sprungs.

My advice is stick with the Rats, they muck up every now and then but their customer service is tops. Even here in a hockey wilderness they make sure the response is correct and quick!

I really like the hot shots...I am just on my 3rd set since July right now. I can get the revision variant for I believe 5.50 per wheel through NCRHA since they worked out a deal to work together.

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If its cheap and you think its worth the risk go for it. Personally Im not that hard on my wheels so they generally last me a long time. I still have some of the crap durabilty Labeda Milleniums that came with my Nike Roller daddys (C.2003).

Just make sure they back up their wheels with some sort of after sale support.

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If its cheap and you think its worth the risk go for it. Personally Im not that hard on my wheels so they generally last me a long time. I still have some of the crap durabilty Labeda Milleniums that came with my Nike Roller daddys (C.2003).

Just make sure they back up their wheels with some sort of after sale support.

see durability is a big issue with me. Playing at a high level and being a big guy used to shred my wheels. I would go through a set of dynastys or rink rats in one game. Since I started using Revisions, i go through a set after 1 or two seasons, depending on how many teams im playing on.

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how reboundy (not sure if I just created a new word for my own vocab there) or bouncy do they feel?

I'm turning over a new leaf for the new yr and trying all the products I've been hard on with limited exposure, and Revision's on that list, so I'd like an idea of what I'm signing up for. If the 225+ lb guys are having them last, then that'll likely affect the option I choose off the wheel matrix for over 200 lbs.

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Did you try different duros in the RinkRats Fris? I used to ride on the orange outdoor RR wheels when I trianed on coated cement. They lasted just on 18 mths with all the cutting, stopping and general abuse I was impressed with their performance and longevity.

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Did you try different duros in the RinkRats Fris? I used to ride on the orange outdoor RR wheels when I trianed on coated cement. They lasted just on 18 mths with all the cutting, stopping and general abuse I was impressed with their performance and longevity.

yeah i used the hardest indoor rink rats back when they were decent. Once they got popular the quality went downhill, and i wont use them anymore. When I have 3 sets in a row blow out on me, thats pretty much the last straw.

I havent had any issues like you had with Revisions, and as far as I know, no body that we have sold them to has either. They have been our best selling wheel by far.

As far as how much they rebound, im not sure that saying how much or how little is the right way to measure it. What I look for in rebound, is a wheel that springs back when I stop, so that I can transition quickly. Revisions do that for me. The Golds seem to rebound more than the Bronze, and that makes sense as they are softer.

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Did you try different duros in the RinkRats Fris? I used to ride on the orange outdoor RR wheels when I trianed on coated cement. They lasted just on 18 mths with all the cutting, stopping and general abuse I was impressed with their performance and longevity.

yeah i used the hardest indoor rink rats back when they were decent. Once they got popular the quality went downhill, and i wont use them anymore. When I have 3 sets in a row blow out on me, thats pretty much the last straw.

I havent had any issues like you had with Revisions, and as far as I know, no body that we have sold them to has either. They have been our best selling wheel by far.

As far as how much they rebound, im not sure that saying how much or how little is the right way to measure it. What I look for in rebound, is a wheel that springs back when I stop, so that I can transition quickly. Revisions do that for me. The Golds seem to rebound more than the Bronze, and that makes sense as they are softer.

How soft would you say the Gold are compared to say a Rink rat 76? I know it says that the Gold are a 74a on the revision site...but I don't know much about how hardness meters work. Does it work like stick flex in the sense that it varies between company how it is measured?

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What I look for in rebound, is a wheel that springs back when I stop, so that I can transition quickly. Revisions do that for me. The Golds seem to rebound more than the Bronze, and that makes sense as they are softer.

That's the answer I was shooting for. Having too bouncy a ride (which I can't say I've found as of yet) would be just as bad as "flat" wheels (which I've found too much of before, but usually in cheaper wheels)

My goal is to try Dynasty's (came on the Boss skate, so check on that one) Fuzions and Revisions. Rink Rat has never given me a problem, and they are the known commodity for me.

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yeah i used the hardest indoor rink rats back when they were decent. Once they got popular the quality went downhill, and i wont use them anymore. When I have 3 sets in a row blow out on me, thats pretty much the last straw.

I havent had any issues like you had with Revisions, and as far as I know, no body that we have sold them to has either. They have been our best selling wheel by far.

As far as how much they rebound, im not sure that saying how much or how little is the right way to measure it. What I look for in rebound, is a wheel that springs back when I stop, so that I can transition quickly. Revisions do that for me. The Golds seem to rebound more than the Bronze, and that makes sense as they are softer.

I guess you and I are comparing apples to oranges as Im 5'11 75Kg. Not a hard stopper but used to play at least 4 times a week on the HotShots. Sportcourt and coated cement. In saying that my best mate churned through his HotShots in 12 mths. He's 5'8 and 70Kg. He's just lean muscle and a very heavy stopper .

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honestly, if you can get the deal that the ncrha gives.. do it. The varient wheel is 100% a top of the line wheel. I used to use revisions all the time and havent had a set on my skates in a while. When I got on them again i noticed a big difference in every other wheel compared to the varients. The straight away speed on revisions to me feel alot quicker than anything else on the market. I also noticed you can go into a turn and full speed and come out not on the floor but skating in full stride. Why not try the wheels for that price. I got great wear out of revisions when I used them. Every wheel that someone likes is preference.. why not test the wheel out and see if you like it if not then dont buy it again..

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Straight up, I've been using Revision wheels since they came out like 4-5 years ago. Honestly, these wheels are so good that when I occasionaly blow a tire, I'll go back to old used Revisions before I'll grab any other wheel. I realize it's all personal opinion on here, but I haven't used anything since I tried these.

Quick profile here… 6'0", 200lbs, Defensemen, skate men's league 2 times a week, ref men's league at least once a week, skate PIHA 2-3 times a week (practices/games). And I go with a Plat-Gold-Gold-Plat setup. But honestly, if you stick to the setup chart that they have, you can't go wrong.

Another thing… I know in wheels-past, if you chose a Harder wheel, you lost a rather large degree of grip. This is not the case with the Revisions. I've tried every setup from All Plat, to All Gold, To All Bronze… and mix-ups inbetween. I never had a slip-out with any setup. So don't be afraid of being a big guy and getting the harder wheels.

As far as the question about the "different feel"… it's like the first time you use any double-pour wheel… there is an adjustment period for how the wheel actually functions and how far it actually flexes before you wipe-out. Older wheels tend to moosh when you stride, the newer wheel technologies tend to be stiffer when you push off/ stop/ turn… hence the adjustment period. Don't be scared by that, just take them for a spin and don't get upset if you're falling at first. Once you get the feel, you'll be thanking yourself for the investment into high performance wheels.


York Typhoon #21

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Revisions are by far the best wheel that I have used. I have been getting them through the NCRHA deal for the past two seasons and love them. I just got the Boss and was skating on the Trinities for a few weeks. I started to lose grip pretty bad and after switching to the Revisions I noticed a huge difference.

Also, I did have a problem with one set of wheels that I got. They broke down in a couple games and had almost no grip. After talking to the Revision rep I got some replacement wheels and they have been great.

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First let me thank all of you for your feedback both positive and negative. We are constantly working to improve our product in anyway possible. The difference in the feel described by those who skate our wheel is due to the innovative technology behind the Variant model. We feel this technology surpasses that of other products on the market today. However, we understand that much of your wheel selection is subjective, and do not deny that our competitors do provide quality options as well. If you visit revisionhockey.com the TORUS technology is explained in detail. We also back our Variant with a 30 day warranty for chunking, cracking etc., given that they are used on sportcourt or similar surface, and you are within the recommended range of the wheel matrix chart we provide. Please feel free to contact me with any questions at nabeel@revisionhockey.com.

Nabeel Gerges

Look for the new Revision Vanquish - coming NARCh Finals 2008!

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