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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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S15 Question

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On my s15s the toe part is peeling off and I know that some guys just sent there skates back. But if i can send my original s15s back do you think it would be possible to get a custom pair with bigger tongues and stuff

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On my s15s the toe part is peeling off and I know that some guys just sent there skates back. But if i can send my original s15s back do you think it would be possible to get a custom pair with bigger tongues and stuff

Highly unlikely they will send you a custom pair in return.

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Or, if you don't really care about a little more weight on your toe, you could put some tuff-toe on there.

Easton will not send you a custom pair in return.

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Im sure there have been posts on this and ive posted myself, but will put give you the info anyway.

if the stuff on the toes is peeling, remove the flaky stuff, give it a VERY light sand paper and then apply numerous very thin coats of of toe pro or equivalent.

after i had the problem with my synergy 1500's i decided to avoid it on my s15's and did it straight away.

if you can get a replacement pair because they are that bad go for it. no idea on the customs though, by the sounds of it it looks doubtful though.

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IDK how many times people are going to ask this sort of question...When dealing with WARRANTY issues, you are sending back a faulty item to the company. They are always going to send you back the exact same item, or a comparable item (Think NBH XXX warrantied for XXX Lite). I don't understand where people get off thinking they can get a more expensive item in return?

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