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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sport chek

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I guess that was good for you, but then again maybe you went at a good/bad time. As I recall it was in the second week of January ? I was thinking of joining you and JR at the Imperial but I just got back into town from a trip that day and there was quite a bit of snow.

I really hate that type of behaviour, its very aggressive and it makes me feel uncomfortable. The moment they see you in their close proximity they give the aggressive "hello sir, how are you today ? Is there anything I can help you with" ?

One of my friend's who worked their didn't like that approach and wasn't good with it either because he is an introvert in nature so didn't last there too long. Who knows, EZ says it may change though.

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I was just looking in the sportchek sale flyer and saw a hespeler 9090 shaft. I believe it was Chadd that said (please correct me if I am wrong) that all pre-Nemesis sticks were made by innovative, if that's the case what is the 9090, as an innovative stick?

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I was just looking in the sportchek sale flyer and saw a hespeler 9090 shaft. I believe it was Chadd that said (please correct me if I am wrong) that all pre-Nemesis sticks were made by innovative, if that's the case what is the 9090, as an innovative stick?

I have a guess but I'm not sure I can actually say publicly.

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The Hespeler 9009 was an Inno 2000 with diferent graphics. The 9010 was an Inno 1100 with the 0 shaft shape. The F4 was very similar to a Novius, if not exact.

Thats form the post on the Inno shafts form the Hokcey Shop for 50 bucks.

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The Hespeler 9009 was an Inno 2000 with diferent graphics. The 9010 was an Inno 1100 with the 0 shaft shape. The F4 was very similar to a Novius, if not exact.

Thats form the post on the Inno shafts form the Hokcey Shop for 50 bucks.

the 9010 is an 1100...

guilty14 is asking about a 9090 ...unless he meant 9009...which according to chadd was a 2000...

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The Hespeler 9009 was an Inno 2000 with diferent graphics. The 9010 was an Inno 1100 with the 0 shaft shape. The F4 was very similar to a Novius, if not exact.

Thats form the post on the Inno shafts form the Hokcey Shop for 50 bucks.

the 9010 is an 1100...

guilty14 is asking about a 9090 ...unless he meant 9009...which according to chadd was a 2000...

The Hespeler 9090 does exist so it's not a typo. I saw some at Sport Chek yesterday beside some Hespeler 9100's.

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Well I called up my local sport chek today to find out if it was made by inno or if the guy had any specs on it. Well let me tell you the guy wasnt to bright, but he did he did have one spec on the stick... he said it was graphite, lol I never knew :rolleyes: So after that I called up hespeler and as of the moment I am waiting for a call. If anyone works at sport chek and knows their products, would you be able to give me some specs?

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ive never heard that stick was made by inno, but i have used it, and it sorta sucked. im using inno right now, and there is no comparison, so i would have to say the stikc isnt made by innovative, but then again i dont know that for a fact

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It's been a long time since I've written anything on this forum. And I'd like to clear some things up for those of you who make certain assumptions. Yes I do admit that some of Sport Chek's employees are a bit money hungry and I've seen it happen at other locations. Second of all, we do not make minimal wage. In fact, in busy season, I can make more than almost any fulltimer working in that mall and it's not even hockey sales. Sure you can make a lot selling hockey, but I just do it cause I love selling hockey equipment and getting people the equipment that they need. This other day, loaded business guy just getting into hockey and his budget was basically, sky's the limit. Did I go and sell him some Pro Tacks or Vapor XX, 8000s or 8090s? or 8000 pants, or 5000 gloves or a synergy or any top of the line equipment? not really cause at the rate that he's playing, it'd take him forever to break in some of the gear and he really doesn't need all of that stuff and it won't really help his game. Anyways, the point that I'm trying to make is that people shouldn't make general assumptions about people working as a whole. We as sales associates do not dictate the prices that our company sets thus I have no clue why you people keep on ripping into us like it's our fault. This guy came in and asked me if this was the company that got caught with false advertising like he was being a jackass and that I was somehow responsible for this lack of corporate governance and social responsibilty. I felt like kicking him in the face. People, don't go point your guns at innocent bystandards. We're not all money hungry. I'd rather make my paycheck by selling a couple of higher end bikes or inlines. If you were in the same position, I think that most of you would probably sell customers shit that they didn't need judging by the intelligent comments you write on this forum. Furthermore, I'd like to comment that young people are constantly being played by marketing campaigns set out by some companies. What the hell does some house league kid with stone hands need a synergy for? A wood stick will be better for him. You people constantly get played and used. I'd also like to commend people who actually do research on stuff before they buy it. Sure we're not all of equal intelligence but according to Murphy's Law, it is immoral to let a fool keep his money.

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Well I called up my local sport chek today to find out if it was made by inno or if the guy had any specs on it. Well let me tell you the guy wasnt to bright, but he did he did have one spec on the stick... he said it was graphite, lol I never knew :rolleyes: So after that I called up hespeler and as of the moment I am waiting for a call. If anyone works at sport chek and knows their products, would you be able to give me some specs?

I'm not at work for a while but next time I'm in, I'll check out the inside of the shaft and look for the little chip inside that inno usually puts on their stuff. Funny cause I found them on the Vic Velocity that we sell. I only have the jr version of the shaft but I'll check those and see.

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Sn1per works in a sport check in Toronto, nice store too. JR and I were there when we were in TO for the expo in January.

which location is this ? I think there are 5 or 6 in Toronto.

I don't know what the address was. We walked from the HHOF back to our hotel by the Hard Rock and it was on the way.

That's downtown in the Eaton Centre. This is the same store where I refer to the employees working cut throat, everyone for themselves. If you only get paid by commission, you'll try to mark any item a customer is purchasing to get their 6 % commission pay. Its good for motivating staff, but its quite possible you will make very little money in a day (imagine how many sales you have to make to earn $60 CDN - $1000). Not that easy to get a $1000 in sales a day.

Not that easy to make $1000 sales a day? You're pretty stupid. Just take a look at how many people walk through the eaton centre. It's a freakin tourist attraction genius and it's parked in the middle of downtown, not too far from where a ton of business people work. Yes I do admit some people can be cut throat and I have bitched out people for doing so or just came over and ripped apart their sales and got the customers what they needed. I don't need to do any cutthroat stuff.

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I'm not really a great fan of sport check although they do make some good deals. I must admit the one near me does the ugliest sharpens you have ever seen.

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I was just wondering about that thing with ccm taking scrap parts of skates and giving them to sport check. Cuz I bought a pair of E60's there and i want to know if there scrap or not. thanks in advance

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I've looked at the E60s from Sport chek and I don't really notice a difference between them and ones bought at another LHS.

Just another thing, and this statement is not directed to anyone in particular. What does it matter if skates are made out of left over parts? If they had a durability issue then yes, I can see where that would be a concern. If those 952s that everyone is ranting about fit fine and perform fine, what does it matter. It's all in your head. Just like shafts made by inno for other companies. You'd think that they're something else but they're not and if no one told you otherwise, you'd never know the difference or even care.

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e60s at sc arent sportchek smu's. imagine youre running sportchek, ccm says theyll make you a special smu 952 that will have all the components of their normal 952's, and theyll give you a really good price, thus youll be able to sell them to customers for half the price than any other hockey stores. are you gonna buy them and then sell them??? YES. if on the off chance something goes wrong like a blade brakes, who do you blame, sportchek who just sold you a good skate at a good price, or ccm the people who made the skate? its not like our 952s are 152s with a 952 logo on them and were tricking everybody. Ive sold countless pairs of 952's in the past couple years and ill ive heard is good things

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Well I was just wondering because after about a month there was cracks in the footbed

Yeah my friend had some for a couple months and he says the footbead is all cracked n the rivets from the hodler is poking out.

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