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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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talking to ladies......

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Driving high is worse then driving drunk. You are honestly an idiot if you have ever done that.

Are you sure? Everything I've heard from schooling and such has said quite the opposite. They said being high makes you way more alert, plus you drive slower and are more cautious. Drunk makes you more wreckless and drive faster. Either way its not a good deal though.

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Alert isn't the word I'm looking for. Paranoid.

Talking about paranoid, I was at a party these weekend and these two people who just showed up ended snorting crack around 4 AM. One of the chicks was hiding behind tents because she thought the game warden was going to try and shoot her.

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I don't think this has been mentioned.. but look her in the eye when you talk to her. If you stare at the ground, to the side, or at her tits you'll look like an idiot.

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Snorting crack or crank? Damn, looks like there needs to be drug education of a different kind now.

It was crack, it wasn't like a giant rock or anything, but still I can't imagine what it felt like going up....

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