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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Horcoff inno blade

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Horc's pattern is a big toe like a Koivu.

Any pics of the Koivu? Is that CCM or Easton (he's used both in the last few seasons)

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Horc's pattern is a big toe like a Koivu.

Any pics of the Koivu? Is that CCM or Easton (he's used both in the last few seasons)

The koivu pro is straight until the toe, where it curves. Almost no loft. I've come across pro Claude Lapointes like that.

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Innovative added the Jovanoski pattern, which is essenially a Lidstrom and for y ou sakic lovers a Draper patter, I saw the Draper on one of those double kicked 1100`s and a Jovanoski on a Taperend blade, it was right handed, and the Drapers were in both hands.

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what is a double kicked 1100?

tapered at one end and standard at the other with a kickpoint 12 inches from each end.

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