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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pronger with Snoop Dogg

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Let's think about how much ganja Snoop has smoked in his lifetime. It's really amazing that he can even stand upright.

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I know...but look how skinny he is.

He played soccer with David Beckham as well

Perhaps marijuana could be investigated as an appetite suppressant? :D

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I know...but look how skinny he is.

He played soccer with David Beckham as well

Perhaps marijuana could be investigated as an appetite suppressant? :D

I would defineatly put money on it

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Let's talk about Pronger's hair cut....absolutely awful. Best line in the whole thing by snoop "they put you guys on versus...it's not even a real station...it's like a made up one." hahaha i roared.

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Face it though, Snoop will do anything for exposure and cash. I'll admit the T.V station comment was a bit funny though. Mostly because it's true.

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Just saw this the other day on Sportsnet. Really funny. When he was in the penalty box and Prongs came over and said "What the hell did you do?" and he said something like this in return "They put me in here cause I've been scoring too much".

I also just watched Snoops TV show for the first time yesterday, just to see how it is. It happend to be the David Beckham episode.

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Hmmmm. I may be missing something but all it brings up user login and the comments on the video but no video....

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