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Mission Pure Fly Ice Hockey Skates

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Okay so I blocked a shot with my skates today and played the rest of the game. No problem right? Wrong. As I was drying out my gear I looked at the toe cap on my skates and they have been cracked in 4 different places. I ran my fingers inside of the toe cap and I could see them from the outside.

I highly doubt these skates are still safe to play in. They were a pair of Mission AMP7 which were the entry level pair of Missions back in 2001 I believe.

I need to get a new pair of skates STAT and there's nothing that fits as well as that Mission boot. I've tried NBH Supremes and Vapors but they're both way too narrow for my feet. The new Missions out on the market aren't my cup of tea either, they don't feel the same.

My LHS has a pair of Mission Pure Flys lying around in a 9D (the same size as my AMP7) for DIRT cheap.

My question is, were these the top of the line skates for Mission at the time? Were these the ones Selanne had when he wore Mission skates? How did they hold up? Were there any flaws or defects in them when they first came out?

If you have owned a pair of Pure Flys, please let me know what you liked about them and what you didn't like. I've checked the reviews on the forum and they only have reviews for the new Mission AG skates.

I'm planning to pick up these Pure Flys if they're decent skates and it's definately in my budget, otherwise I'm going to have to go save up a bit more and get a pair of Grafs.

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That was their top skate, they are "dirt cheap", your skates are history, if I was you I would just buy them. Finding that old Mission fit will not be easy in 2008. Let me guess, you have flat feet.

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I'm a Pure Fly guy. I'm currently in my third pair and have just about worn them out. Only problem I've had is I've broken two holders blocking shots, but they're cheap to replace. The boots are outstanding, IMO. Love the fit, love the forward flex.

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I have the pure flys, use them for roller. I love them. I've been looking around for another pair myself, just can't find another 13D, not to mention the fact that they are older. If they are that cheap pick them up, you won't be sorry.

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I wore the Pure Flys and loved them as well. My only complaint...they broke down on me a bit fast. I am in no way hard on my skates but they only lasted me a year and a half.

If the shop is giving you a great price on them and they fit, I also say go for it.

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Just called my LHS and they say the Pure Flys are gone now even though they've been on their website for a month = / Guess I gotta find something else now, great.

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Hockey world has some S500's as well but they ar very different.


The 8.5EE I think are size ways similar to the Amp7 9D if I remember correctley.

If you went with a S500 you should probably go with an 8EE.

I like both. The fit and style of the boot on the S500 is prefferred to me, but the durability of the Pure Fly has been much better in my personal.

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As I recall they added 4mm of width to the S series as compared to the Pure Fly. All I know is it was considerably wider, especially in the ankle area.

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Hey Downz,

Hockey World has a pair of Mission Pure Lights in size 13D for $159.00. I don't skate in Missions so I don't know much about them but they look almost the same. Check them out on the Hockey World web page.

Rick Henry

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Hey Rick thanks for the heads up. After someone else posted about hockey world I checked it out and they have the Pure Flys there for 200. I think I'm going to have to order me a pair for the future.

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