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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Speed Demon


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Hey everyone. My computer access center has $1000.00 Canadian to spend on a brand new printer. The printer we need has to be a color printer and it can handle a big work load. Now I am not necessarly saying that I only want printers that are $1000.00 but I am looking for a great color printer. Please note that I am not looking for one of those small printers like the HP Deskjet 3820. If anyone has any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate them. Thanks.

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If it's any indication from the crappy one in our office, stay clear of Lexmark ones. H/Ps have always done well though like Chadd said.

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Chadd, do you think this one would be any good?

http://h10010.www1.hp.com/wwpc/us/en/sm/WF...735-306736.htmlHP Business Inkjet 1100dtn printer (C8135A)

Our access center has a problem with teachers using the colored printer because we are not always there and the access center is located in the school. Therefore causing us to lose a lot of money for paying for ink. Can you put a password on a printer so only you can use it? Thanks again everyone.

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Inkjet printers are like Bic lighters, plan on throwing it away. They aren't made for high volume use and they don't hold up if used that way.

If it's on a network, set up a password on the print Queue. If you don't have control over the network, there may be a way to lock it when the room is not in use.

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When we say high volume, how many pieces of paper would you be expecting to be printed out a day?

Oh and that printer you had in the link, that printer would deal high volume?

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If you're doing more than 25 pages a day, avoid an inkjet/bubblejet, etc... and go with a laser.

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I would go with thar printer.  Its 600 bucks (usd).  Its a great printer, and a good one for its price.  It aint pretty, but its quick, and has good quality, and its a beast, it can handle 10,000 pages per month

You can get it $200 cheaper by not purchasing it from Apple. For about the same price, or a little less, the one I quoted does color (since he asked for it) and has 64MB of RAM instead of 16MB.

EDIT: None of the smaller laser printers handles anywhere close to the rated pages per month without problems.

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Lexmark has such a terrible rep for accessories and parts it's not even funny. HP has slipped but is still way ahead of Lex for quality. The C510 has a history of problems with the output assembly.

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I have had nothing but bliss with my lexmark printers. I have used a c510, and it blows my hp out of the water. Be it mine is just a 300 dollar wireless printer, but, I am a big fan of lexmark.

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A printer

This one here does 20 colored ppm or something like that. If it is true that Lexmark is hard to find accessories for, then Lexmark is not for us. We don't want to have to deal with that since our place is so utterly poor. It is now between that one that Chadd threw at me or the ones I have found. We will not be doing anywhere near 25 pages per day.

Thanks everyone for the help.

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Go to your local office max or Staples and see what supplies are cheaper and more readily available.

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I dont know what chadd is talking about, I have had nothing but great experiences with Lexmark. If you dont plan to print 25 ppd, then you dont need that expensive of a printer. Get a nice little 200, 300 (usd) printer, that will do the job

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Yeah but that sounds like yours is for personal use and he's looking for something with more users. The ones in our office go tits-up all the damn time and are total piles.

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you would save money if you jsut bought a print server and a 300 dollar printer, if you say you arent going to be printing that much

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