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There Will Be Blood

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I had the chance to see it last week - what a film. I had been looking forward to it since it was announced a couple years ago and it didn't disappoint. Daniel Day-Lewis was freakin' awesome and IMO is a lock for the best actor oscar. I'm a huge Paul Thomas Anderson fan, going back to "Sydney" (later retitled "Hard Eight") and although I felt the direction and script were excellent, I have a feeling the Coens are going to win Best Director for "No Country for Old Men."

I haven't seen NCFOM but I am hoping to see it sometime this week - from everything I have heard about it, it is another great film.

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I thought NCFOM was a much better all around film. I had been waiting for There Will Be Blood for nearly a month until it finally came out in Michigan last week. I'm not sure if I had built unreachable lofty expectations for the movie in the month prior to seeing the film or if it was the actual movie itself, but I was rather disappointed. That goes without saying that it was still probably one of the top 10 films of the year in my book.

I'm a huge Daniel Day Lewis fan and thought he did a great job. The directing and production were above average as well, I guess I was expecting more out of the screenplay based on "Oil!" -- as I was more disappointed in the story-line itself. For a film this long, it just didn't have the epic quality I was looking for/expecting.

To those who haven't seen it yet: if you like gratuitous man-slapping, this movie is for you.

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There will be blood: Not released here yet.

NCFOM: Amazing movie - Weird ending (haven't decided if it's good or bad yet)

And speaking of this years movies...

Gone Baby Gone: Pretty good Movie - Amazing ending (one of the best endings I can recall in a movie)

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  PBRyan said:

To those who haven't seen it yet: if you like gratuitous man-slapping, this movie is for you.

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LOL...yeah, there is quite a bit of that in the film, that's for sure.

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  hattrick74 said:

couple questions:

what is there will be blood about?

and about NCFOM, is it more like a scary movie or thriller movie?

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I haven't seen NCFOM yet, so I can't tell ya, but from the trailer it looks to be a suspense/thriller. Here is a decent, but short plot outline for TWBB -

"A sprawling epic about family, greed, corruption, and the pursuit of the American dream. Set in the booming West coast oil fields at the turn of the 20th century, THERE WILL BE BLOOD follows the rise of rugged prospector Daniel Plainview (Day-Lewis) who becomes an independent oilman after hitting it rich with the strike of a lifetime. Written and directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, the film is inspired by Upton Sinclair’s novel "Oil!"

Check out the trailer here -


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NCFOM - Can anyone explain the ending to me? It was such a good movie until the end, why did it get so many awards?! I have to see it again I must have missed something there at the end.... or did I?

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What part of the ending don't you understand? The events with the wife...the car crash...the dreams?

There is a lot of symbolism used throughout the film, which is further seen in the ending sequences and the actions/words of the characters.

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this movie was awful. I mean it has it's crazy parts which are pretty good, but I mean really drawn out. I rented this movie and couldn't believe I stayed awake through the whole thing. Yahoo movies gave this an A- to B rating, I was disgusted.

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  Fletch said:

I think you're in the minority, bud.....

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Well I just couldn't get into it. I mean I liked some parts, but overall it was so long and dragged out. I got the whole idea of him being more and more powerful makes him more crazy, but really it just didn't get me.

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it was definitely 'slow' for a while, but i was drawn in from the beginning. definitely one of my favorites, although i've only seen it once.

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There will be blood and ncfom were definitely two great movies. Daniel Day Lewis plays his character seamlessly and is made for those kind of roles... and mustaches.

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