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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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So, heel curve lovers,

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I've been itchin to try a heel curve. I currently use a forsberg curve, which is a very slight heel curve, and a fedorov.

When i look at a Drury curve, it kinda makes me want to puke. It looks so weird. But, I have to give it a shot! Who wants to ease my mind before I go and buy a blade? Also, what is the lowest lie heel curve blade available? Thanks

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If you can't appreciate the Drury's beauty you are far from ever becoming a lover of heel curves. It may be a shock to look at and use but once you get the hang of it, it's golden.

Lowest heel? Hmm, technically I guess you could try the Warrior lie 4 Fedorov (not sure if they make the Kovalev in a 4) but that's still about a 5 lie. I also don't count a Fed/Modano to be a heel, but that's the heel lover/purist in me.

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I like most heel curves, however I find some obscene. I don't love playing hockey with an 8 iron, I enjoy the TPS Perry curve quite a bit though.

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If you can't appreciate the Drury's beauty you are far from ever becoming a lover of heel curves. It may be a shock to look at and use but once you get the hang of it, it's golden.

Lowest heel? Hmm, technically I guess you could try the Warrior lie 4 Fedorov (not sure if they make the Kovalev in a 4) but that's still about a 5 lie. I also don't count a Fed/Modano to be a heel, but that's the heel lover/purist in me.

my modified post....

If you can't appreciate the <insert curve> beauty you are far from ever becoming a lover of <style> curves. It may be a shock to look at and use but once you get the hang of it, it's golden.

Lowest <curve lie>? Hmm, technically I guess you could try the <brand lie> (not sure if they make the <brand> in a <curve> that's still about a <lie>. I also don't count a <player> to be a <curve>, but that's the <curve> lover/purist in me.

forgive me.... :) :D

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Love my Lidstrom. If you roll your wrists to keep it down on the follow through it shouldn't feel that weird shooting with it.

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If you can't appreciate the Drury's beauty you are far from ever becoming a lover of heel curves. It may be a shock to look at and use but once you get the hang of it, it's golden.

Lowest heel? Hmm, technically I guess you could try the Warrior lie 4 Fedorov (not sure if they make the Kovalev in a 4) but that's still about a 5 lie. I also don't count a Fed/Modano to be a heel, but that's the heel lover/purist in me.

What do you love so much about the Drury?

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I was thinking I need to try it before I could love it. I'll be lookin at a drury or kovalev. Maybe this is just what the wrister doctor ordered!

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I know it's personal preference, but I've found that the Drury (and its clones) are extremely versatile curves.

It's very balanced, and does everything well for me.

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I just can't see me throwing off hard wristers with everything into it from the top of the circle and them coming off hard or even close to the net, i have enough trouble keeping it down with a sakic.

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I've used a forsberg and it doesn't really classify as a heel to me. My next stick will either be a S17 Drury or a U+ Ovechkin.

As for why I like heel curves, I can shoot, stickhandle, and do all the other good stuff that hockey entails with comfort and confidence. Also, I like them because they fit my shooting style, and I get good results from them.

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drury > sakic x 10, the drury has 100x more control when you learn to use it correctly.

I naturally use the wrist action to roof the puck, my greatest asset in hockey has been my wrister and snapper nad being able to bury them when i get it off.

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Honestly, if you expect to endure years of adjustment with a heel curve, stick to what you use. Using a heel curve is just natural to me because of the way I hold the puck and the way I shoot. Now, hand me a toe curve and I'll probably be like a fish out of water. What reason would I have to switch to a toe curve after that?

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What I love about the Drury:

It's a wedge, that's what I used growing up and what I prefer. It's not that deep and I hate having any kind of a curve so I like that. I like the shovel on it because I play in close and any little bit helps if I have to roof garbage from the goalmouth. Wristshots? I haven't taken one in years as I rely on snappers because wristshots are not going to be worth piss from the Drury.

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That's why I don't want a drury, haha.

It's not that hard to get adjusted to a heel curve, it's hard to get adjusted to a curve that open I think.

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It's the curve because a lot of people go "ew, I can't take a wrister anymore" and bail on it. My brother tried some of my customs and it was painful yet hilarious watching him try to get used to it, so he went back to his bananas.

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Yeah I can see that happening. Right now I like the Sakic but my Stealth is feeling brittle now and I've been checking out the V10 and they felt awesome when I was in the city but I wasn't buying one for 309 when I can get it way cheaper somwhere else. I've had a ton of trouble keeping the puck down now so I want to try a closed blade and I can't find a thorton so I may settle on a re

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I just want to clarify that it's specifically wedges like the Drury that I'm talking about wristers dying, because I remember borrowing a friend's Lidstrom and pretty much everything gets ramped up by that curve.

If you go for the Drury/Kovalev/P91 etc. it's going to require a change to sappers from wristers.

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i have to dissaggre with you there mack, i find my wrist shots to be very accutate and hard, but i dont roll the puck from heel to toe like many players, i try to keep the puck on the sweet spot of the blade (far back heel) and let em rip and it works perfectly for me

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I just want to clarify that it's specifically wedges like the Drury that I'm talking about wristers dying, because I remember borrowing a friend's Lidstrom and pretty much everything gets ramped up by that curve.

If you go for the Drury/Kovalev/P91 etc. it's going to require a change to sappers from wristers.

Yeah well thanks, that kind of clarified it for me,and now I have less options to choose from.

One kid on our team got a Lidstrom ST and he has a snipe with it now.

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You can still take wristers with a Drury, you just have to lean into it more than you would normally.

Again, something that wouldn't work for me just to my style of play and the line I play on. This thread has been good for clearing up my issues, haha.

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i have to dissaggre with you there mack, i find my wrist shots to be very accutate and hard, but i dont roll the puck from heel to toe like many players, i try to keep the puck on the sweet spot of the blade (far back heel) and let em rip and it works perfectly for me

Not disagreeing with you but that sounds to me like it's a snapshot. That's essentially all I do, keep it in the meat part and snap away. I'm also on a pattern that has maybe 1/5" of a curve.

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