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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just sold tix for Miami (OH) v. Michigan for $300

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I was shocked to see that these tix were going on Ebay for so much. I know it's #1 v. #2 but c'mon people it's regular season college hockey. Am I alone in thinking these people are crazy???

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They got smoked 4-2 last night by Michigan so maybe they were a bit overrated. And that score sounds way closer than the game actually was.

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Last time I went to a Gopher game (club seats right on the rail in the corner), two people offered to buy my season tickets (belong to my boss).

I feel sorry for those people, unless they were MI fans...that was a boring game. I fell asleep through the second.

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