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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stick blade on the ice

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Kapanen. It's the wrong lie so I'm getting rid of em. Anyway, I have an important question. How much difference does rocker make when talking about lie? Does it alter it slightly, a ton of what? Our friend drewhunz has some killer sticks, pro stocks morrow, but we don't know the lie, we only know it has a bit of rocker.

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It makes an absolute difference. A blade with a rocker does not have a true lie.

Thx, pal. The first here is a pic of the Warrior Weight, the 2nd is the pro stock Morrow. Warrior's site lists Weight as a 4, which I'd be able to use after I adjust to the rocker. What's the opinion on the 2nd, the Morrow, compared to the Weight? I'm just hoping it'll be similar, which it looks to me.



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It makes an absolute difference. A blade with a rocker does not have a true lie.

Thx, pal. The first here is a pic of the Warrior Weight, the 2nd is the pro stock Morrow. Warrior's site lists Weight as a 4, which I'd be able to use after I adjust to the rocker. What's the opinion on the 2nd, the Morrow, compared to the Weight? I'm just hoping it'll be similar, which it looks to me.



Don't believe anything warrior has to say about stick lies. Weight is closer to 5.5

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It makes an absolute difference. A blade with a rocker does not have a true lie.

Thx, pal. The first here is a pic of the Warrior Weight, the 2nd is the pro stock Morrow. Warrior's site lists Weight as a 4, which I'd be able to use after I adjust to the rocker. What's the opinion on the 2nd, the Morrow, compared to the Weight? I'm just hoping it'll be similar, which it looks to me.



Don't believe anything warrior has to say about stick lies. Weight is closer to 5.5

thanks. I thought Warrior was about 1 off the universal lie scale though? BTW, how hard is it to adjust to a rocker for stick handling?

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I just switched from a Weight to a Robitaille (both retail). The Weight is a non-rockered 5 lie; the Robitaille is a rockered 5.5 lie. I definitely prefer 5 lie blades, but I wanted a bigger mid curve as I'm always shooting too high and mid curves help me keep the puck low.

I had more difficulty playing that first game with the Robitaille than ever before. I was missing passes under the heel, leaving the puck behind, stick handling was very awkward. It felt like I cut the stick too short, even though I had it half an inch longer than the Weight.

Last night I played my second game, and it was much better. My stickhandling is still a little off, but I'm starting to figure it out. I didn't really miss passes or drop the puck, although it feels like Warrior changed their blade construction (both Dolomites).

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I just switched from a Weight to a Robitaille (both retail). The Weight is a non-rockered 5 lie; the Robitaille is a rockered 5.5 lie. I definitely prefer 5 lie blades, but I wanted a bigger mid curve as I'm always shooting too high and mid curves help me keep the puck low.

I had more difficulty playing that first game with the Robitaille than ever before. I was missing passes under the heel, leaving the puck behind, stick handling was very awkward. It felt like I cut the stick too short, even though I had it half an inch longer than the Weight.

Last night I played my second game, and it was much better. My stickhandling is still a little off, but I'm starting to figure it out. I didn't really miss passes or drop the puck, although it feels like Warrior changed their blade construction (both Dolomites).

That's exactly what happened to me in my first game with the Kapanen's. Maybe I should give it another try, if it's rockered like I think.

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Yeah, give it a few ice times. Most of us will have to compromise in order to get the combination of curve, lie, rocker, loft, toe, etc.

I figure that Warrior didn't want to do half lies (for whatever reason), so:

Warrior 4 = Easton 5

Warrior 5 = Easton 5.5

Warrior 6 = Easton 6

Federov (4) = Forsberg (5)

Draper (5) = Sakic (5.5)

Kovalev (5) = Drury (5.5)

Jovanovsi (5) = Lidstrom (5.5)

Robitaille (5) = Iginla (5.5)

Going off that...

Smyth (4) would be 5 lie, as commonly reported

Weight (4.5) would be 5.25 lie, as commonly reported

Looks like I need to try a Smyth sometime!

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It makes an absolute difference. A blade with a rocker does not have a true lie.

Thx, pal. The first here is a pic of the Warrior Weight, the 2nd is the pro stock Morrow. Warrior's site lists Weight as a 4, which I'd be able to use after I adjust to the rocker. What's the opinion on the 2nd, the Morrow, compared to the Weight? I'm just hoping it'll be similar, which it looks to me.



Don't believe anything warrior has to say about stick lies. Weight is closer to 5.5

thanks. I thought Warrior was about 1 off the universal lie scale though? BTW, how hard is it to adjust to a rocker for stick handling?

The bigger the rocker, the farther from correct it will be.The weight is just the old Inno Mogilny.

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