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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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where are the 892 tacks made in

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bummed the Tacks are no longer...such a classically good looking skate. would have been my choice if they were still in production.

I spent a day driving around with a buddy trying to find a shop that had them. He loved my old 852s that I gave him when his Eastons started falling apart.

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I bought a pair of 892's off of eBay for a player on my sons team (he's a Tacks guy). Got'em this morning and they are labeled "Made in Canada."

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I bought a pair of 892's off of eBay for a player on my sons team (he's a Tacks guy). Got'em this morning and they are labeled "Made in Canada."

I just got a pair of 2005-2006 992 Tacks brand new and they were made in Canada... not much of a comparison tho..

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Anyone else a fan of the old CCM 952 Kevlars? I loved those for some reason..Built like tanks, but comfortable

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