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Recieved A GM21(Verbal Abuse of an Official)

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I recieved a GM21 for my actions in a tournament, It is Disputing a Call With an Official and Verbal Abuse of an Official.

Has anyone recieved one of these and how many games did you recieve. I recieved 3 but it might get over ruled...Let Me Know

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Just out of curiosity, which body part and orifice did you mad lib?

Being a ref I love the look on a captain's face when I give him a penalty for arguing "but I'm the captain, I'm allowed to argue with you."

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Just out of curiosity, which body part and orifice did you mad lib?

Being a ref I love the look on a captain's face when I give him a penalty for arguing "but I'm the captain, I'm allowed to argue with you."

refs seem to forget that the respect they earn can be equal to the respect they give. I've seen to many refs fly off the handle and come unglued on a guy because they questioned thier call. Hockey is a fast paced and emotional game and sometimes you don't know what you did to get the whistle or question it loudly. Some refs (usually the insecure ones who really don't have a clue) take this as an afront to thier manhood and act like you called thier mom a whore. Any player can question a call, they should do it with some tact. Captians have the right to talk to refs without getting an attitude back from them. The best refs are the ones who stay calm during the game and don't act like it's thier try out for game 7. They bullshit with the players to keep things light and explain the calls when you ask. I will give these guys alot more respect than some douche who's screaming and hits me with a extra 2 because he feels his authority has be questioned. IMHO if some "yells you gotta be kidin me" (with or without profanity) it doesn't warrant an extra 2 or threats of being kicked out. Just give them thier penalty and drop the puck.

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refs seem to forget that the respect they earn can be equal to the respect they give. ... Just give them thier penalty and drop the puck.

Oh I know. I'm not doling out dozens of minutes.

*Whistle* "Elbowing, 21 Black, 2 minutes"

"Hey come on ref they were both going at it"

"They were bumping and shoving, yes, but your guy threw an elbow to the ribs that knocked the other guy down"

"Bullshit he did, they were both going and the guy just fell over!"

"Not from what I saw"

"How could you see that?"

"I was standing directly behind them, watching them battle for position"

"Then you should call it on both of them!"

yada yada... this goes on for another few moments until he gets pissed and calls me an idiot or some other name

*Whistle* "Arguing, 7 Black, 2 minutes"

"What?! You can't give me a penalty for arguing, I'm the captain!"

"That's great, we can put unsportsmanlike conduct on the sheet if you prefer"

(just an example, couldn't recall a specific instance, but I don't just go off the handle and throw penalties to anyone who talks to me, I'm not stupid)

Other refs I've been on the ice with will go and call shit from nothing.

(yelling )"I can't believe we're losing to this bunch of pussies!"

"2 minutes (I forget what was called, either language or taunting or something"

"That's bullshit"

"That's another 2"

"I can't believe this shit, you can blow me ref"

"That's a game, get your ass out of here!"

What do you do when something like that happens? The player is already down the tunnel and we were taught that challenging the calls of the other refs is a big no-no, but the university didn't give us much training and the head ref is a lazy ass who doesn't answer questions emailed to him.

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refs seem to forget that the respect they earn can be equal to the respect they give. ... Just give them thier penalty and drop the puck.

Oh I know. I'm not doling out dozens of minutes.

*Whistle* "Elbowing, 21 Black, 2 minutes"

"Hey come on ref they were both going at it"

"They were bumping and shoving, yes, but your guy threw an elbow to the ribs that knocked the other guy down"

"Bullshit he did, they were both going and the guy just fell over!"

"Not from what I saw"

"How could you see that?"

"I was standing directly behind them, watching them battle for position"

"Then you should call it on both of them!"

yada yada... this goes on for another few moments until he gets pissed and calls me an idiot or some other name

*Whistle* "Arguing, 7 Black, 2 minutes"

"What?! You can't give me a penalty for arguing, I'm the captain!"

"That's great, we can put unsportsmanlike conduct on the sheet if you prefer"

(just an example, couldn't recall a specific instance, but I don't just go off the handle and throw penalties to anyone who talks to me, I'm not stupid)

Other refs I've been on the ice with will go and call shit from nothing.

(yelling )"I can't believe we're losing to this bunch of pussies!"

"2 minutes (I forget what was called, either language or taunting or something"

"That's bullshit"

"That's another 2"

"I can't believe this shit, you can blow me ref"

"That's a game, get your ass out of here!"

What do you do when something like that happens? The player is already down the tunnel and we were taught that challenging the calls of the other refs is a big no-no, but the university didn't give us much training and the head ref is a lazy ass who doesn't answer questions emailed to him.

My question to you is why are you entertaining such a conversation? If a guy asks why the call, you provide explanation, maybe he provides a counter-argument and then you come over the top one more time, but at that point send your guy to the box and ignore anything else. At a certain point you have to assert your authority as a ref and not listen anymore. If you entertain every player in a conversation regarding every call, of course you're going to end up handing out stupid 2 minute penalties for arguing, because all you're doing is providing more bait for them to bite on and disagree with.

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refs seem to forget that the respect they earn can be equal to the respect they give. ... Just give them thier penalty and drop the puck.

Oh I know. I'm not doling out dozens of minutes.

*Whistle* "Elbowing, 21 Black, 2 minutes"

"Hey come on ref they were both going at it"

"They were bumping and shoving, yes, but your guy threw an elbow to the ribs that knocked the other guy down"

"Bullshit he did, they were both going and the guy just fell over!"

"Not from what I saw"

"How could you see that?"

"I was standing directly behind them, watching them battle for position"

"Then you should call it on both of them!"

yada yada... this goes on for another few moments until he gets pissed and calls me an idiot or some other name

*Whistle* "Arguing, 7 Black, 2 minutes"

"What?! You can't give me a penalty for arguing, I'm the captain!"

"That's great, we can put unsportsmanlike conduct on the sheet if you prefer"

(just an example, couldn't recall a specific instance, but I don't just go off the handle and throw penalties to anyone who talks to me, I'm not stupid)

Other refs I've been on the ice with will go and call shit from nothing.

(yelling )"I can't believe we're losing to this bunch of pussies!"

"2 minutes (I forget what was called, either language or taunting or something"

"That's bullshit"

"That's another 2"

"I can't believe this shit, you can blow me ref"

"That's a game, get your ass out of here!"

What do you do when something like that happens? The player is already down the tunnel and we were taught that challenging the calls of the other refs is a big no-no, but the university didn't give us much training and the head ref is a lazy ass who doesn't answer questions emailed to him.

My question to you is why are you entertaining such a conversation? If a guy asks why the call, you provide explanation, maybe he provides a counter-argument and then you come over the top one more time, but at that point send your guy to the box and ignore anything else. At a certain point you have to assert your authority as a ref and not listen anymore. If you entertain every player in a conversation regarding every call, of course you're going to end up handing out stupid 2 minute penalties for arguing, because all you're doing is providing more bait for them to bite on and disagree with.

Well I wan't arguing,

I was telling he called a bad game and dropped a "F" bomb!

I didn't refuse anything

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Well I wan't arguing,

I was telling he called a bad game and dropped a "F" bomb!

I didn't refuse anything

And you still don't see what caused the problem?

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But you made that remark before i posted that so how would you know????

I am not trying to be rude but honestly

My original point was simply that based on the way you act here, the fact that you were given a penalty for verbally abusing an official isn't terribly surprising.

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refs seem to forget that the respect they earn can be equal to the respect they give. ... Just give them thier penalty and drop the puck.

Oh I know. I'm not doling out dozens of minutes.

*Whistle* "Elbowing, 21 Black, 2 minutes"

"Hey come on ref they were both going at it"

"They were bumping and shoving, yes, but your guy threw an elbow to the ribs that knocked the other guy down""Bullshit he did, they were both going and the guy just fell over!"

"Not from what I saw"

"How could you see that?"

"I was standing directly behind them, watching them battle for position"

"Then you should call it on both of them!"

yada yada... this goes on for another few moments until he gets pissed and calls me an idiot or some other name

*Whistle* "Arguing, 7 Black, 2 minutes"

"What?! You can't give me a penalty for arguing, I'm the captain!"

"That's great, we can put unsportsmanlike conduct on the sheet if you prefer"

(just an example, couldn't recall a specific instance, but I don't just go off the handle and throw penalties to anyone who talks to me, I'm not stupid)

Other refs I've been on the ice with will go and call shit from nothing.

(yelling )"I can't believe we're losing to this bunch of pussies!"

"2 minutes (I forget what was called, either language or taunting or something"

"That's bullshit"

"That's another 2"

"I can't believe this shit, you can blow me ref"

"That's a game, get your ass out of here!"

What do you do when something like that happens? The player is already down the tunnel and we were taught that challenging the calls of the other refs is a big no-no, but the university didn't give us much training and the head ref is a lazy ass who doesn't answer questions emailed to him.

The first bolded line is what got you in trouble to begin with. The second is unprofessional and unnecessary. A ref should never curse at a player, regardless.

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Never been suspended but I've been assessed a minor penalty before... even when I ask nicely. "Can you please watch that guy?"

I learned from that, keep my mouth shut.

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refs seem to forget that the respect they earn can be equal to the respect they give. ... Just give them thier penalty and drop the puck.

Oh I know. I'm not doling out dozens of minutes.

*Whistle* "Elbowing, 21 Black, 2 minutes"

"Hey come on ref they were both going at it"

"They were bumping and shoving, yes, but your guy threw an elbow to the ribs that knocked the other guy down""Bullshit he did, they were both going and the guy just fell over!"

"Not from what I saw"

"How could you see that?"

"I was standing directly behind them, watching them battle for position"

"Then you should call it on both of them!"

yada yada... this goes on for another few moments until he gets pissed and calls me an idiot or some other name

*Whistle* "Arguing, 7 Black, 2 minutes"

"What?! You can't give me a penalty for arguing, I'm the captain!"

"That's great, we can put unsportsmanlike conduct on the sheet if you prefer"

(just an example, couldn't recall a specific instance, but I don't just go off the handle and throw penalties to anyone who talks to me, I'm not stupid)

Other refs I've been on the ice with will go and call shit from nothing.

(yelling )"I can't believe we're losing to this bunch of pussies!"

"2 minutes (I forget what was called, either language or taunting or something"

"That's bullshit"

"That's another 2"

"I can't believe this shit, you can blow me ref"

"That's a game, get your ass out of here!"

What do you do when something like that happens? The player is already down the tunnel and we were taught that challenging the calls of the other refs is a big no-no, but the university didn't give us much training and the head ref is a lazy ass who doesn't answer questions emailed to him.

The first bolded line is what got you in trouble to begin with. The second is unprofessional and unnecessary. A ref should never curse at a player, regardless.

I dont see how the first bolded line got him in trouble. Hockey is a contact sport and a little bit of bumping and shoving is allowed. IMO he did a good job of explaining the call.

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A good point I forgot to add. A ref's job is to referee a game, not to get into long drawn out explanations or yelling matches with players. You make a call, give the penalty with an explanation if neded and drop the puck. To many ref's think they need to add thier two cents worth and comment on your hockey, repremand you like they are your parent, chastise you like a child or scream at you like a lunatic.

Normally I'm pretty easy going during a game and know most of the refs. I had a ref (who already had a bad reputaion) who snapped when I questioned a call to the point that he wanted to meet me in the parking lot. Fortunately the guy who runs the program saw it and they gave the ref some time of.

My suggestion to refs is know the game, do your job, don't start screaming at players.

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The problem is that too many players feel they can jaw at refs because they see the pros do it. Are some refs thin-skinned? Absolutely. Should they have to put up with any bullshit, just because a player feels like it? No way.

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You make a great point....

But why do you say it doesn;t surprise you coming from me

But you made that remark before i posted that so how would you know????

I am not trying to be rude but honestly

My original point was simply that based on the way you act here, the fact that you were given a penalty for verbally abusing an official isn't terribly surprising.

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refs seem to forget that the respect they earn can be equal to the respect they give. ... Just give them thier penalty and drop the puck.

Oh I know. I'm not doling out dozens of minutes.

*Whistle* "Elbowing, 21 Black, 2 minutes"

"Hey come on ref they were both going at it"

"They were bumping and shoving, yes, but your guy threw an elbow to the ribs that knocked the other guy down""Bullshit he did, they were both going and the guy just fell over!"

"Not from what I saw"

"How could you see that?"

"I was standing directly behind them, watching them battle for position"

"Then you should call it on both of them!"

yada yada... this goes on for another few moments until he gets pissed and calls me an idiot or some other name

*Whistle* "Arguing, 7 Black, 2 minutes"

"What?! You can't give me a penalty for arguing, I'm the captain!"

"That's great, we can put unsportsmanlike conduct on the sheet if you prefer"

(just an example, couldn't recall a specific instance, but I don't just go off the handle and throw penalties to anyone who talks to me, I'm not stupid)

Other refs I've been on the ice with will go and call shit from nothing.

(yelling )"I can't believe we're losing to this bunch of pussies!"

"2 minutes (I forget what was called, either language or taunting or something"

"That's bullshit"

"That's another 2"

"I can't believe this shit, you can blow me ref"

"That's a game, get your ass out of here!"

What do you do when something like that happens? The player is already down the tunnel and we were taught that challenging the calls of the other refs is a big no-no, but the university didn't give us much training and the head ref is a lazy ass who doesn't answer questions emailed to him.

The first bolded line is what got you in trouble to begin with. The second is unprofessional and unnecessary. A ref should never curse at a player, regardless.

I dont see how the first bolded line got him in trouble. Hockey is a contact sport and a little bit of bumping and shoving is allowed. IMO he did a good job of explaining the call.

A ref should never admit he was letting things go. The better statement would have been, "There was no penalty until your guy threw an elbow."

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