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Drew MacIntyre (Manitoba Moose) Goalie gets credit A Goal

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Drew does not actually put the puck in the net but is last to touch it

Then he didn't score the goal, he is credited with a goal.

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Okay...in light of the Manitoba goalie getting "credit" for a goal...who do you think will be the next NHL goalies to actually score. Not just credit for a goal, actually shoot it in.

I say DiPietro or Price. They both handle the puck very well. And, I've seen Price shoot it the length of the ice while SH...so I see him taking a shot at an EN in the future.

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Okay...in light of the Manitoba goalie getting "credit" for a goal...who do you think will be the next NHL goalies to actually score. Not just credit for a goal, actually shoot it in.

I say DiPietro or Price. They both handle the puck very well. And, I've seen Price shoot it the length of the ice while SH...so I see him taking a shot at an EN in the future.

Steve Mason (Property of Columbus) when he makes the show

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Okay...in light of the Manitoba goalie getting "credit" for a goal...who do you think will be the next NHL goalies to actually score. Not just credit for a goal, actually shoot it in.

I say DiPietro or Price. They both handle the puck very well. And, I've seen Price shoot it the length of the ice while SH...so I see him taking a shot at an EN in the future.

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